[ vi ] | The art of Getting Suspended

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    "Yes..... Yes.... Good.... Thank you" Mr. Madison set down the phone on his desk with a grim expression, kept his hands on the table and looked at Kai. The brunette stiffened under his gaze, feeling nervous; which was unusual for him. He gripped his pants and clenched his fists, going paler by the minute.

    "Well, your parents are still at the airport so you'll have to drive back" the head of department said with a grim tone, his gaze not leaving Kai's eyes. The brunette swallowed and nodded slightly, trying not to meet the faculty member in the eye.
    "What was that Mr. Smith? What were you thinking?! A gun?!" He left the table and pinched the bridge of his nose with his other hand on his hip, letting out a long sigh.

    "But sir, I told you; I didn't bring it! Someone must've slipped it into my locker!" Kai protested, sitting on the edge of his seat and crossed his arms, denying anything, which was the truth. Mr. Madison raised an eyebrow and heaved a sigh, moving across the room and walking outside, confusing Kai even more. A few moments later, Cole emerged behind the door with Mr. Madison right behind him, keeping a close eye. 

    "What is he doing here?!" Kai got up in disbelief, his fists clenched as his cheeks felt hot. Cole looked as nervous as Kai; even worse. Mr. Madison went to his seat and gestured Cole to sit next to Kai, his narrowed eyes directed at the brunette next, immediately it brought his ass on his seat with a gulp, forgetting about Cole.

    "Mr. Brookstone had 7 bullet shells in his bag; Explain that" Mr. Madison leaned back in his chair. Kai turned his head sharply to Cole, making the ravenette jump a bit, "I didn't do it!" Both of them exclaimed in unison at the head of department. Both looked at each other again, surprise in each other's eyes and then quickly looked away, Kai biting his lip. Mr. Madison was silent for a few minutes. Kai scrowled inside as he furrowed his bow at Cole behind his back. How could he get out of this mess??


    Kai flinched as he slowly turned to see his mother at the office door, "Ah yes, Mrs. Smith; come in please" Mr. Madison said, adjusting his suit and getting up from his seat once again. Maya nodded and stepped in. She was wearing a scarf and pearly blue blouse with white jeans, her raven black hair loosely over his shoulders. "Mom, I can explain-!" Kai shot to his feet. Maya raised her hand to silence her son, her eyes noticing Cole too; sitting quietly and his expression hidden behind his hair. Kai diverted his gaze aside and his shoulders sank back down, counting down to calm himself down.

    "Please have a seat Mrs. Smith,"

    "Please call me Maya" The woman smiled and sat in Kai's seat, Cole didn't say anything but flashed a shy smile to her. Kai raised an eyebrow, he hadn't spoken anything in front of his mother. Then again; he just got laid by that bastard-

    "I can assure you mr., that my son isn't guilty for this. Someone must've slipped it in easily-"

    "I'm sorry Mrs. Smith but the evidence is pretty much clear; your son brought a gun to campus, which is clearly prohibited." Mr. Madison said, his tone stern. "And I will have to give both of them 2 weeks of suspension"

    "What?! I told you, I didn't do it!" Kai cut in, rage in his eyes as he stomped forward a few steps. Cole got up and held his shoulder, Kai shook him off and didn't spare a look at him, he was too pissed that his injustice. "Someone clearly wanted something out of me, you can't do this!"

    "I most certainly can Mr. Smith" Mr. Madison glared at Kai. The brunette growled, frustration getting the best of him. "Kai, why don't you pack up with this young man here while me and Mr. Madison talk" Maya said to her son. Kai almost wanted to ignore her but her eyes met his and her gaze was clear; get out of the room. So Kai didn't say anything but nodded and stepped out, Cole stepping out right after him. Kai whipped around to him, the ravenette's back getting shoved against the wall. Kai looked around the reception, which was empty, much to his advantage and disadvantage. Kai glared at Cole, tilting his head ever so slightly as he focused on the taller boy's eyes, those same enchanting amber ones staring back at him, slightly surprised.
    "K-Kai-?" Cole didn't get to finish as Kai took a step back, opening up space between them again. The brunette held his forehead as he sighed through his nose sharply, turning his back to Cole. 

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