Enter ➢ Nahoi Shizukesa

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First Name : Nahoi 

Second Name : Shizukesa

Age : 19 

Height :  169.9cm —172.1cm

Weight : 53.7 kg - 54.2 kg

Ninja ID : 011132

Weapon : Dual Katana, shuriken, kunai. 

Chakra Nature(s) : Fire and Lightning, Yin&Yan

Most used Jutsu : Fire Katana Justu, Kaiton-Raikon Slice Technique, Splittering Light Technique, Kaiton Green Ember jutsu.

Team : Team Kenoi

Teammates : Kenoi Zhou, Akese Satui, Toiko Iniko, Nahoi Shizukesa

Mission stats : D— 45  C— 28  B — 29  A— 34  S— 17

A bit about Nahoi:

Shizukesa Nahoi is a kind soul wich will always drop everything to go help someone in need. Putting others wellbeing over her own , she finds herself often in troubelsome situations where she is in danger. Also her Mouth runs itself, never missing an oportunity to be sarcastic. If she is talking to someone rude, she will be rude herself regardless of the persons status.                                                                                                                                                                              It often lands her in weird spots, where her teammates need to rescue her. A rather famous one was Nahoi telling the Fire damiyous Son to quote: "Get your hands of Akase or i will personally go to your father and complain. Or punch you, youre call! " After that the Damiyos son never touched her teamate again.

— Zhou Kenoi, Captain of Team Kenoi

Statements of her friends/teammates:

Akase— Nao is always trying to make us laugh, its adorabel.

Toiko— Nahoi may be a bit anoying but i canot imagine team Zhou without her. 

Sakura— Nao is the big sister i always wished for.

Riyuu— That child always gets herself into troubel *sigh* but inside she's a good and kind kid. 

Kenoi— I already have grey hair from her, and im only 36! 


Thats all for now, but it will probably change a bit when were further down the storyline.

So, goodbyeee!


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