chapter eighteen

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     Layla's head felt foggy. All this newfound information was disorienting and she felt like she wanted to claw her own eyes out. Memories of war, fighting, swords and blood... why?

     Why was there a war?

But Nico quickly brought her back. "We're helping you as much as we can over here." He said. He seemed eager to change the topic. "We're trying to figure out why you disappeared, but maybe with your memories coming back, you'll figure it out first."

"I'm sure I will." Layla said, like it was nothing to worry about. The truth is, she was terrified. What if what she remembered completely ruined her? What if she couldn't take it?

Layla heard footsteps around her, causing her to jump. She looked around, slightly startled, but no one was around.

"Layla?" Nico frowned, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I just..." she went silent for a moment. "I thought I heard something." She was whispering now.

Nico looked worried, "what did you hear?"

"Footsteps... and..." she listened to the muffled chaos ringing in her ears. Shouting, the click of a gun, cries and metal clashing against metal. She told Nico everything she heard, but held up a hand to keep him silent.

"Layla." The voice was soft, and careful, but Layla could easily hear the stressed tone in it too. He sounded urgent.

"Minho?" She muttered.

Nico looked at Layla more closely, "who's Minho?"

     "My best friend, I met him in the Glade." Layla quickly explained. "Did Percy forget to mention him?"

     Nico shrugged like it sounded right, "probably."

     "I think I'm..."

     "Layla, we have to go!"

     Layla's heart began to race. All this time, she'd been in her own world, but she'd momentarily forgotten about her and Thomas' plan back where her physical body was still resting. Minho was trying to bring her back.

     "I have to wake up." She said quickly. Nico immediately looked disheartened, like he wanted nothing more than for her to stay. "I'm sorry but I can hear them—something's wrong. I have to go. Tell the others I'll be back soon, I just—"

     "Go." Nico stopped her rambling, like he knew keeping her there would only cost her trouble. He could lose her if she stayed. "I'll tell them, I promise. Just be safe."

     Layla sent him a sad smile, before giving into her gut feelings, and letting go of the world around her. For a moment, it went dark, and everything was quiet. Then, Layla could hear the chaos around her at full blast, and her ears were ringing with the newfound loudness.

     Minho was hovering above her, and as she met his eyes, she realized how tired she felt. "Minho?" She spoke through the pain and exhaustion. "What's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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