Intro: Backstory

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I had a horrible childhood.

My mom left me at the age of four, while my dad always held a bottle of alcohol in his hands and was drunk everytime I got home from the kindergarten. He never cared about me at all.

When I turned seven, my dad got along with an old woman which looked so young for her age it was unbelievable. Her name is Jang Heejin. When they got married, they've decided that it'll be the best for us if we move to Busan (before, me and dad were living in Jeonju).

When we moved there, on a small one-way street in a medium-sized four-room apartment, Heejin started behaving with me like I was a failure. She was insulting me and beating me up everytime she got the chance to. The only thing which I could praise her for is that my father started drinking less when he met her.

As I turned 11, she got pregnant. It was a girl. They called her Kim Jihyoon. To be honest, she was the only good thing which appeared in my childhood.

Years later, while dad was driving from a supermarket to home, he got into a car crash and died. Obviously I was very sad, since I became an orphan, although I've never missed him. Unfortunately Jihyoon was only 4 and she was heartbroken.
My stepmother didn't seem to be bothered by this. Honestly, she looked happy.

Both me and my sister grew up with Heejin "taking care" of us. It was a terrible experience, from beating me, to beating Jihyoon. I always cried hearing her screaming from pain. I couldn't help her, since we both knew that we would've gotten to the adoption centre easily.

I finally turned 19 and got into college, while Jihyoon was only 8 and was in her 2nd year of school.

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