spring broken

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Under the sinister oscillation of a flickering streetlamp, Red X's silhouette is as menacing as the encroaching darkness. His breath visible in the cold air, he calmly surveys the half-circle of doom arrayed before him.

Red X: This is your only warning. Leave now, or stand down permanently.

The assassins tighten their circle, their grim determination illuminated by intermittent lightning. Silence reigns but for the distant rumble of thunder.

First Assassin(with a grim sneer): We end the legend of Red X tonight!

With lethal speed, Red X unslings his shield. Its surface flickers with arcane symbols, a deep hum filling the air as if powered by some unknown energy.*

Second Assassin (leaps forward, a blade shimmering with a poisonous sheen). Red X pivots sharply, the shield surging with a bright pulse of light. He swings it upward, catching the blade and electrifying its metal, sending a brutal shock up the assassin's arm, forcing him back with a scream of agony.

*The shield arcs back elegantly to Red X's grip.*

Third Assassin (from the shadows, fires a crossbow). Red X twists, the bolt slamming into the shield with a metallic ring, sparks flying. He absorbs the kinetic energy, his shield's glyphs glowing brighter. With a fierce outward thrust, he unleashes a shockwave, knocking the shooter off his feet, the crossbow skittering across the concrete.

Red X moves like a specter, shadows cloaking his steps, each throw of his shield a death sentence. The shield slices the air, a blurred discus of death and precision, slamming into wrists, ankles, weapons, disarming and disabling with brutal efficiency.*

Fourth and Fifth Assassins(move in tandem, chains wrapped around knuckled fists).

With a balletic leap, Red X ducks under a swung chain, his shield expanding momentarily to deflect a blow aimed at his head. He counters with a rapid spin, extending his shield to its full breadth, catching both attackers in a broad sweep. The impact sends them crashing into a pile of rusted barrels, groaning under the unexpected defeat. Each assassin falls in turn, their attacks mere child's play to Red X. He is a storm of righteous fury, his shield not just a barrier but an extension of his will.

Tenth Assassin(the leader, steps forward, wielding a high-tech energy sword): "Enough games!"

Red X stands ready, the charged air around them crackling with impending violence. The energy sword hums, slicing towards him in a deadly arc. Meeting the challenge, Red X thrusts his shield forward just as lightning splits the sky. The shield intercepts the sword, absorbing its energy, the glyphs blazing in a dazzling display. With a roar of effort, Red X pushes forward, channeling the absorbed power back through the shield, blasting the leader backward through the air, his energy sword flying from inert fingers.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade, Red X remains unyielded, his shield glowing softly in the post-storm quiet. Around him, defeated assassins litter the ground like war debris, a testament to the relentless guardian of the night.

Red X: will they ever learn?

He then gets a phone call. He looks to see it's blitzo. He then answers it.

Jason: wassup blitzo?

Blitzo: Jason we have a situation a bitch is trying to take the company parking spot. Get over here and handle her.

Jason: are you kidding me just get another spot.

Blitzo: it's the company parking spot! Now get your ass over here now!

He then hangs up.

Jason: why did I let him into my life?

Jason: why did I let him into my life?

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