meeting up with joey

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*chino and Wes walks like, 900 miles to IOWA just to tell this guy..or chick with shit makeup that chino is pregnant.*

Wes: "why are we walking?"

Chino: "um... I have trauma with cars.. because, Fred took me too five guys and we almst died, we were in a car."

Wes: "Ouh, okay."


*they knock on the door..*

*..more silence. And more silence. I don't know. Go make a cup of tea, maybe a sandwich, Meetup with a friend, get a job, get a life, make some money, instead of reading this fic, because this fic is as corny as a 11 year olds writing.*


oey: "Hello?"

Wes: "hey Joey. We have a. Big annoucnemt to make."

Joey: "oh. What about it?"

Wes: "its—"

Joey: "Is it about that one time your lead singer and DJ talked shit about slipknot?"

Wes: "oh, no! It's 😆—"

Joey: "Or maybe that one time you guys called our fans a big bunch of ugly fat kids?"

Wes: "uh. No—"

Joey: "What about that one time your lead singer went around the nu metal block spitting hatred and BS with the so called he-said-she-said—bullshit?"



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Joey: "Oh, you guys are pregnant? Nice! Wait a minute."

Chino: "Yeah!"


Chino: "Omg— I'm so sorry, you see, Wes has dyslexia and he means-"

*Joey slams the door, leaving chino and Wes outside of his I MEAN her porch.*

Wes: "What was that about?"

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