Chapter 40

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A/N - The episode I was watching to write this chapter made me cry omg.  Im Ju Gyeong's dad is such a good dad you guys T^T

Chapter 40

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

The front door opened and Mr. Im sputtered out his daughter's name as he sat on the couch with his angry wife. He was scared for Ju Gyeong, worried about the consequences she would face this time around after her mother found her registration card for a beauty school. He knew that Hyun-Suk just wanted her daughter to be successful, but if pursuing make-up was going to make his daughter happy... then he didn't see why she couldn't at least try and find success in it.

"You." Hyun-Suk addressed her daughter while she kept her fierce gaze straight ahead at the floor, "Where have you been all night with your phone off?"

"The library." Ju Gyeong mumbled as she dragged her feet towards the stairs.

"How dare you lie to me?!" She sprung off the couch and ripped the registration card off the table as she stormed over to her daughter, her husband trailing after her. She waved the card in Ju Gyeong's face, "You went to this Makeup Academy, didn't you?"

Ju Gyeong stared at the paper in her mom's hand. She wasn't sure how she found it, but she also found herself unbothered; she didn't have the energy to argue tonight.

"I was wondering where you've been spending all your time, coming home late afterwards."

"Let's talk about this later."

"How did you afford to register for classes?"

Ju Gyeong turned to face her body towards her mom, "Today has been a rough day." She could feel more tears well up in her eyes, "Let's talk tomorrow."

"Answer me right this instant!" Hyun-Suk demanded, "How the hell did you afford to register and go behind your mother's back like this?!"

Ju Young poked his head around the corner from where his room was, "Noona, you're home?" He ran over to his older sister and looked between her and the piece of paper in their mother's hand.

"I took up part-time jobs." Ju Gyeong finally answered.

"What? Part-time?" Hyun-Suk stared at her daughter before hitting her in the arm, "You don't study when I tell you to, but what?! You work part-time?!" She pointed at her daughter with the paper, "Who... who gave you the right?"

"I said let's talk tomorrow!" Ju Gyeong snapped, feeling the losing battle with her tears, "Just leave me alone!"

Mr. Im grabbed his wife's arm, "That's right, Dear. Let's talk tomorrow."

"Yeah, Mom." Ju Young insisted.

She pushed her husband away and gritted her teeth, "Tomorrow, my ass. I want you to say that you aren't going to pursue makeup. Now!"

A tear rolled down Ju Gyeong's cheek as she stared at her mom. Jin Kyung Soon sang praises about this woman and somehow Ju Gyeong thought that her life couldn't have possibly been worse than hers before Kyung Soon ran away.

"You." Hyun-Suk stared back at her daughter, "Why cosmetology of all things? Do you want to end up like me?!" She angrily tore up the registration card and threw it on the ground, "Get a refund for your tuition, first thing in the morning! If you don't, I'll get the refund myself. If you do this crap one more time, you'll be kicked out of this house. Got it?!"

"Why are you even like this, Mom?" Ju Gyeong sobbed, "This is what I want to do. What's so bad about that? Why do people always tell me, 'No you can't.' I want to do what I like and date whom I like! Am I not allowed to be happy? Don't I have the right to be?! Why does Jin Kyung Soon get to be happy but I don't?! Why can she date whoever she wants and go wherever and no one cares?! I hate her and I hate you! I hate everybody!" Ju Gyeong turned and raced up the stairs to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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