a first love can do a lot

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"Meet me behind the fountain tree."

Vasylia ran her fingers across the rough paper, taking in the loopy letters of the handwriting. There was no need to sign it; she knew who was calling her, and she had no intention of turning her back. She glanced behind her at her sisters, massaging each and soothing each other, no eyes on her, and she vaulted the fence and began to run. Someone called out her name, but she had already finished glancing back.

The letter folded in her blouse pocket was buried and hidden, leaving no trace of where she was off to. An expert at running and hiding, she was, though she always returned eventually. Each step was calculated, bouncing off of rocks and looping through bushes in the outskirts of the city. The fountain was close, very close, near the shop a family friend owned, and the path she took to it was engraved in her mind and muscles. It took no thought or worry. Her brain was occupied on a single thing – what could she want?

Stopping quickly to hide behind the shop, Vasylia caught her breath and peered around the corner to assure she wouldn't be caught – clear, as usual, and she took off again, her steps never faltering. Around the fountain, through a flower bush, one of the blossoms she plucked, and rounded the large tree. And there she stood. The tan girl with dark hair, often compared to a raven's feathers, that was out of its usual large braid. Her dress, a long white with yellow embroidery, was beautiful yet homemade, and made her look delicate. It wasn't quite jealousy, this feeling, but... Vasylia called out her name. "Eri."

Eriliko turned around suddenly, her eyes slightly widened in surprise. "Lia..." Her face softened, and her hands returned folded in front of her. "You have to stop sneaking up on me!" She was cheerful, but her voice was kept to a whisper.

"Sorry." Vasylia slowly made her way over to stand by the girl, leaning against the trunk of the old tree. "What did you want to talk about? Or were you just bored of your family?"

Eri's shoulders tensed up quickly, followed by a trembling breath. Vasylia stood up a little straighter, realizing this could be something a little serious.

"Eri? What's wrong?"

But she only shook her head and smiled, leaning back against the tree and slowly sitting down, patting next to her. "Lia, how have you been?"

Vasylia took the seat offered with anxiety. "What's going on?"

"Vasylia," Eri said her full name with clenched teeth. "Please... how are you?"

She almost shuddered, her breaths strained. Even as she studied the face of the girl she'd known all her life, all she could sense was something sorrowful, something painful she'd yet to find out. All she could do was play along. "I'm good. I trained, as usual, today. My father still thinks I'm the best out of all my sisters," she sighed and rolled her eyes, then chuckled with familiarity.

Eri smiled. "What do you want to become when you're older?"

Vasylia stared for a moment with a blank face, a little confused by the subject they've brought up and moved past thousands of times. "...I don't know. I think I just want to have as much freedom as I can."

"Why not become a maiden like your father wants, then?"

"In what world is getting married off to a royal 'freedom'...?" Vasylia shook her head. "Being a royal in general isn't nearly as free as everyone thinks. So many responsibilities. The public is always watching, waiting for a chance to take you down... sounds exhausting. I want to live on my own... with maybe a few close friends by my side," she winked.

But that didn't seem to comfort Eriliko. She looked away immediately, the grass curled around her finger torn into two.

"Eri, what's going on?" Vasylia insisted, grabbing her best friend's hand. "You're acting strange. Are your parents upset with you again?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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