Prologue: Fate and Balance

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A male with shoulder-length hair slowly opened his heavy eyelids and checked his phone.

{ An error has occurred. Please recheck the fate of Nameless World 1. The one in charge of balance has also been notified. }

"...haaaa...what a time for this to happen."

He contacted the one who controls balance.

An annoyed, male voice rang out.

"...what. is. it."

"Have you checked your phone at all? Did you not see there's been some sort of disruption in fate?"

The sound of someone brushing their hair back with their hands could be heard.

"And why would that concern me, God of Fate?"

"It concerns you, God of Balance, because this is not just a disruption of fate, but also one of balance. You do understand what I am implying right? Or are you too dimwitted to get it?"

"You- you b*st*rd! Haaaa...I cannot waste time on this anymore. I will go to fix the balance. Although as annoying as it might be, I believe we have to— work together on this one."

"Ah yes, the pompous idiot who always thinks himself the better of us two. But in any case, as much as I hate to admit it, I agree."


The call was cut off for the two men, one of an extremely old age, and one of a young age.


The two then met to design a temporary dimension to fix the fate and balance of Nameless World 1.

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