Ch. 3

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Alex POV:

2 weeks later

Over the course of the two weeks leading up to his enrollment at Hogwarts, Alex dedicated himself to rigorous preparation and exploration.

During this time, he delved deep into his studies, poring over textbooks and spellbooks alike, eager to expand his knowledge of magic and familiarize himself with the subjects he would encounter at school. He practiced wand movements and incantations tirelessly, determined to master the spells essential for his success as a wizard.

In addition to his academic pursuits, Alex spent countless hours honing his physical abilities, using the Boots of Hermes to push the limits of his speed and agility. He traversed the rugged terrain surrounding Hogsmeade, testing the boots' capabilities in various environments and scenarios, all while strengthening his body and refining his reflexes.

But it wasn't all work and no play for Alex. He also took the time to explore the village of Hogsmeade, immersing himself in its charm and vibrancy. From sampling the delights of Honeydukes to browsing the shelves of Zonko's Joke Shop, he reveled in the unique experiences that the wizarding world had to offer.

Furthermore, Alex forged new friendships with fellow residents of Hogsmeade, bonding over shared interests and aspirations. Whether exchanging magical theories with the local apothecary or joining impromptu Quidditch matches at the nearby pitch, he found camaraderie and support among his peers.

As the days passed, Alex grew more confident in his abilities and more excited for the adventures that awaited him at Hogwarts. With his preparations complete and his spirit alight with anticipation, he eagerly awaited the moment when he would step through the castle doors and begin his magical education in earnest.

With the two weeks of preparation behind him, Alex felt a surge of anticipation as the day of departure for Hogwarts finally arrived. He gathered his belongings, ensuring that Excalibur was safely stowed away in his system inventory while the Boots of Hermes were packed among his casual wear.

As they made their way through Hogsmeade, Alex couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of boarding the Hogwarts Express from King's Cross Station. He remembered the iconic scenes from the books and movies, where young witches and wizards embarked on their journey to Hogwarts, and the thrill of experiencing it himself filled him with anticipation.

Curiosity gnawed at him, and as they reached the outskirts of the village, he couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

"Mr. Patel, are we really going to King's Cross Station to catch the Hogwarts Express?" Alex asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

Mr. Patel chuckled, amused by Alex's enthusiasm. "Yes, indeed, Alex," he replied, his smile reflecting Alex's excitement. "I thought it would be a wonderful experience for you to ride the Hogwarts Express, just like in the stories."

Alex's heart raced with excitement. He had always dreamed of stepping into the magical world of Harry Potter, and now, it seemed, that dream was about to come true. The thought of boarding the legendary train and journeying to Hogwarts filled him with joy and anticipation.

With renewed enthusiasm, Alex followed Mr. Patel as they made their way to King's Cross Station in London. As they approached the bustling terminal, Alex's pulse quickened with excitement. Little did he know, the journey ahead would be filled with magic, adventure, and the realization of his childhood dreams.

As they reached King's Cross Station, the bustling atmosphere of the busy London terminal enveloped them. The sounds of bustling crowds and the sight of steam billowing from the Hogwarts Express added to Alex's excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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