Chapter 20 Escapedes

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Authors Note:

Hello readers, just a simple notices. In this story I've chose to throw in a few differences onto the story.

Secondly, would be the characters from each of the factions I'm adding in. I'll be explaining who they are and what they are.

One is the pilot carol fawely. She is a cannon like most of the characters i use. Youay wonder who the pilot is, well she is the one responsible for transporting master chief throughout his missions during halo 1 and 2. I believe she died in the third game. So I've decided to bring her into this story.

Third is the migrants and some of the national guards and border patrols from the 21st century time. That's us. The migrants, especially Ms. Selene will have a slight impact on the story.

Fourth, again I will explain for yall to better understand. There will be a number of 5 gates that connects different worlds to vahrian.

Two of the gates both opened into a different time in earth. One, which is from alnus hill which is connected to earth, year us unknown for I haven't chosen one for them. The second gate however, it is also connected to twenty first century time. Only difference it is from the year 2019.

Enjoy Readers☆

An unsc pelican was slowly lowering itself as the thrusters turned do wn to the green land o f both grass and dirt.

On either  side of the dropship, there were a number of other pelican ships, approximately five of which had already landed before it.

However, on the other side of the opened land were twenty-first-century air vehicles such as chinooks. Though,  that wasn't the only air vehicles belonging to them, for various of Mi8-Helicopters, counting up to only three had parked next to their counterpart.

The residents of the town were all surprised to see people dressed in heavy and unusual armor that covered almost their entire body. I mean, they are aware of the many forces from other lands wearing an assorted looks of armors. But the sight of the men's in greens far outweigh the empires and kingdoms soldiers in both looks and weapons.

Though for as diverse as the twenty first century soldiers are from the imperialistic men and woman of the empire. The sky people, or to be more specific, the unsc forces weren't so far from the 21st centuries folks in image. However, the only difference was the armor and weapons they wielded.

Unlike the twenty-first century, the unsc people wore far more advanced armor coated in a color similar to that of their previous comrades with only minor differences.

A woman, none other than Lady Ulla herself, walked out of the town center where the people were gathered. Before she takes another step, she remained in one spot for she needn't to make another step. She stood there, watching as the two preferred leaders of the twenty-first century and the sky people marched towards her, accompanied by their soldiers.

"Are you the leader of this town Ms?" A marine sergeant major of the unsc spoke.

"Y-Yes, I am!" Lady ulla replied as she stuttered for a moment. "To whom may you two be?"

The twenty first century soldier then took his turn and introduced himself next. "I am sergeant Ryan of the united nations marine ma'am. Me and my colleague here received a call from one of our own people. I'm sure you've heard of her?"

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