A big beginning!

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On the robotic planet of Cybertron, there was a school for young medics. One of these little medics was a young 14 year old cybertronian called "Medix". Medix was rather small and had red and white colouring on him. Medix was more stubborn and a bit of a know-it-all. In this school, each student is partnered up with a teacher. Medix was a little curious about what teacher he will get. 

"Medix, it's time to go." Rachet, his uncle, called out. "O-oh! Coming!" The little medic said before walking with his uncle. Medix, admittedly, felt nervous about his new mentor. What if it's a mean one or one that has no knowledge about being a proper medic? "Medix? Are you alright?" Rachet asked, noticing his nephew's distress. "Yes uncle Rachet, it's just...I'm worried about my mentor. What if they're not a real medic?" Medix asked worriedly. Rachet smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure you'll get a friendly and smart mentor." Medix chuckled nervously. Due to  his tempermantal and quite logical personality, Medix needs a mentor who can not only give him the medical knowledge he needs but be a positive role model for the little medic.

Rachet and Medix approach an older white and orange mech. The mech smiled gently down at Medix. "You must be Medix, nice to meet you!" Medix started to bounce up and down slightly. He had heard of him. His name is Blades and he is a renowned medic with a very remarkable record. He is one of Medix's inspiration. "P-professor Blades! N-nice to meet you!" Medix exclaimed both excitedly and nervously. 

Blades smiled warmly. "I'm very excited to teach you, Medix!" He says as he leads the little medic into a white room. "Medix, this is our own medbay we'll use for teaching purposes." The older mech explained. Medix felt excited but he decided to keep it contained. Blades noticed Medix's excitement and smiled. "You seem rather chipper Medix." "Oh! I am? Apologies sir, it's just I'm very excited to have you as my mentor!" Medix said. "It's alright Medix, if anything, I'm very happy your excited to learn from me." Blades said as he put his hand on Medix's shoulder.

At night, after supper, Medix is lead to his room by Blades. It had white walls with a window on the left of the room. There was also a small desk on the roght and a bed in the middle. Medix looked at the room in awe. "Professor! This is amazing!" Medix said, looking back at Blades. "I'm glad you like it, Medix." Blades smiled. Before he leaves the room, Medix hugs Blades from the back. "Sir..i know I've said this almost 1,276 times approximately today but...I'm very excited for you to be my mentor." Blades pats Medix's head gently, giving off a kind nod. "Medix lets go and heads to his bed. "Goodnight Professor Blades." "Goodnight Medix." Blades smiled as he closed the door on Medix as the little medic drifts off to sleep.

Medix and BladesWhere stories live. Discover now