Chapter 1

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Alice was walking to school, feeling slightly nervous since it's her first day at the paper school. She takes a deep breath and steps into the school. She sees many students either chatting,reading, or studying. She tells herself that it'll be just fine... but she can't help but feel a bit uneasy......

The school bell rang as all of the students rushed to their classrooms.......the teachers there don't like late students.........

Mister Abbie walks into the classroom. "Good morning, class. Today, we will be discussing everyone's favourite subject, Math." He says with a menacing grin as he starts the lesson. Alice took a seat next to a boy named Oliver. "Hey, you're the new student, right?" he asked curiously in a hushed tone, "Yes, I-I'm Alice, " She says nervously. "I'm Oliver," said the boy, Alice smiled as she felt comfortable sitting next to him.

Later in class, Mister Abbie tells everyone to take a test. While Alice is answering the questions, a paper ball hits her at the back of her head, She turns around with an annoyed expression as she sees three kids sitting at a group of desks...Engel, Kevin and another student The three of them laugh hysterically as she continues to take then quiz.

he hated that they we're all laughing at her, but she kept her anger in.....don't want to anger the teachers...."Hey, Ignore them! They don't know how special you are." said Oliver.....Alice's anger slightly subsided as she slightly smiled at him.

After class, Alice bumps into a girl with black hair. "Oh! i'm so sorry!" said the girl, "Thanks, but what's your name?" Asked Alice curiously. "i'm Circle, It's nice to meet you.." she says, "Well
Nice to meet you, Circle!" Says Alice as she extended her hand for a handshake. Circle politely shakes Alice's hand warmly.

Then they hear a voice come from the loudspeaker.. It was Mister Abbie's voice

"Circle, May I see you in my office?" Mister Abbie said sternly.

"Oh well, Gotta go." says Circle as she waves goodbye while walking to Mister Abbie's office.....

Circle walks into Mister Abbie's office as she takes a seat. Mister Abbie looks at her sternly as he smashes his compass hand that breaks his desk in half

"You failed the math test, Circle..." Mister Abbie says, sounding furious.......

Author: Page_Halen☆

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