You will always be my child (My own AU)

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A/N: this is my own AU where Thranduil the elf king of Mirkwood is my adoptive father and legolas is my brother and I'm his adoptive sister. 

Thranduil: gabbie? Where are you my little star?

Me: right here dad *sniffling* 

Thranduil: what's wrong? 

Me: I'm a human not an elf..... you don't love me *cries* 

Thranduil:*hugs me* my dear you are my daughter and I'll always love you, you will always be my child I promise you that. 

Me:*hugs him and smiles* thanks daddy 

Thranduil: you're welcome my sweet girl *kisses my forehead* go run along dinner will be ready soon 

Me: okay daddy *walks off* 

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