(httyd) MY SHOP! part 1

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Astrid: where's my axe?? 

Snotlout: oh hey astrid..... i was just... 

Astrid:*attacks snotlout* 


Astrid: get back here you little- 


Astrid:*grabs snotlout and pulls his ear hair out* 

Snotlout:*screams in pain* 

Astrid: oops 

Hiccup: will you two cut it out! 

Astrid: he took my axe! 

Snotlout: she attacked me! hiccup I feel violated 

Hiccup: oh gods.... 

Snotlout:*accidently sets the forge on fire* oops..... 

*Gobber's black smith expoldes* 

Gobber: MY SHOP! 

Astrid: snotlouts fault! 

Snotlout: hey! 

Gobber: you three better clean this mess up and fast 

Hiccup: gobber im so sorry it wasnt me 

Gobber: I know laddie I know you stay here and make sure these two dont cause anymore trouble 

Hiccup: I will Gobber I promise 

Gobber: good. *leaves* 

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