Packing Problems

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~ Boothill Pov // Setting: His hotel room (The Reverie (Reality)) ~

"It's been 2 days since my last encounter with the Express passenger... Passenger? I don't know what they are but it's none of my business, the only thing that matters to me is gettin' my bounty. During these past few days I've been waitin' and preparin' my battle tactic, well sorta. As with most criminals, you never know if they'll be easy or not, it's better to just come in swinging then havin' to be nice. Now I've tried that easy way but hell that cost me an arm and a leg and havin' to put myself back together cost more than a mere bounty. Not to mention the weirdos that lurk around, it's worse encountering one of those then it is fighting a robo bear... eugh. Anyways it should be any day now that the tirón messages me. I've waited long enough."

Boothill begun to rummage through his things, initially looking for his phone, though he came across the bounty paper. He took it out and slumped against the couch.

"Damn this guy looks annoyin' . His smirk is overly confident. Why would someone even want me to track down this bastard? He looks harmless enough. Eh what do I care. The most harmless lookin' ones are worst kinds of pests."

He set down the poster, leaving it face up on the table as he grabbed his phone. Fiddling with the buttons as he struggled to press enter. He was trying to send a message to the Trailblazer, saying "You all most done?" or at least that's what it looked like to him. On the receiving side they got "YOu done Alllmodts?". Metals hands don't really help when using a glassed surfaced device. At home he'd have a grip he could tape or glue to his finger for a bit to help him use his phone along with other devices to help with daily things like showers or dressing up. His phone lit up, signifying a notification, the reply.

"Ah, finally. That didn't take forever at all. It's not like I've been waiting 2 days for this at all."

He sighed, opening the message best he could, almost crushing his phone in the process from anger. (It's like a grandpa using a phone, minus the strength from the robotics) The message read "What?" Followed by an emoji of this bunny looking thing. He looked confused at his phone for a second before seeing another message pop up. "Oh! Yeah we're done. Heading over to hotel now, be out of dreamscape soon." followed by a picture of the Trailblazer in a destroyed scene.

"Finally, I want this job over and done with already."

He popped his hat over his eyes as he leaned back against the sofa. Boredom taking over as he stared at the empty space. His eyes drifted down and back to the table where the bounty was. It wouldn't hurt to become familiar with the face of the person you trying to collect a bounty on right? He leaned over and picked up the paper, standing up and placing in on the bed next to his other belongings.

"So. Let's see what I have to remember (his memory is as short as a flys life). He's got long hair, can't really tell what color it is from the picture but I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out. (lets just say is a black and white photo). From the cutoff of the picture it looks like he's got a plate of armor or somethin'? Which is... odd.. Wait is this even a guy? His face shape looks masculine but for all I know it could be a really masculine lookin' women. Shit no there's no way... But what if... Nah its ok. It's fine. I'll know when I see- them..."

Boothill continued to examine the photo, not picking up on anymore things that seem important or memorable. His phone lit up again. Once again it was the Trailblazer. "Meet up at the lobby in 20?". He struggled once more with the phone before sending back "K". It was easy and simple.

"Guess I better get packed.". He looked around the room, seeing all his stuff thrown about. Beginning to pick up all the stuff he didn't even know he brought. Around 17 minutes pass and most of his stuff was packed and ready to go. He picked up the bounty paper and rolled it up, putting it in his bag as before grabbing his hat. Boom, he was ready to go.

{~Hotel lobby~}

The lobby was quite rowdy today, more people in here than usual but whatever, it wasn't relevant to him. He looked around for the silver haired person he'd met a few days ago. Looking down at his phone then back up in an almost anxious way. Finally he saw a group of people come down the stairs and make their way towards him, the Trailblazer in sight.

"Well if it isn't the astral express crew, Welt, Himeko? In the flesh, what an honor. I've only hear rumors about you two. Oh and who's this lovely face?"

March looked around for a moment. "Oh me! Uhm- Hi! I'm march 7th, a friend of the Trailblazer and member of the Astral Express" She smiled, a hue of blush gently forming through her cheeks.

Boothill tipped his hat. "So I'm assumin' our common friend here told you why I'm taggin' along?"

Welt gave a glace to Himeko. "You're looking for a bounty? Is that correct?"

"Bullseye. Exactly what I'm lookin' for." He left his hand resting on his hip.

"And you think this person is on our express?" Welt narrowed his eyes, furrowing his brows.

Boothill seemed unphased, this was just another job to him, he didn't need to make anyone happy. "Well yes, in fact the Trailblazer here told me the person I'm lookin' for would be on that little train of yours." He said, grabbing the Trailblazer by their shoulders and wrapping his arm around them in a buddy-buddy way.

Himeko sighed, speaking up "Let's just get this over with. We have enough drama on our plate already." She said, with her on her head. 

A grin creeped on Boothill face. "Lead the way."

{~Astral Express/Parlor car~}

At last, Boothill was finally on the Express. When he 1st got on he didn't notice anything in particular, there was a short girl with purple hair on board along with a black haired guy, but his hair was short so it couldn't be his target. He snooped around for a while, checking storage rooms, conductors car, even other peoples rooms but he still didn't see anyone who matched the bounties description. "Hey, Blazer. You said they guy would be here." He said, his tone more annoyed than anything.

"Well he shows up from time to time, I guess you just caught one of the times when he wasn't here." They looked at him as if it was his fault. How dare they Boothill thought. Before he could respond they spoke up again, "Stick around a little longer, were headed off to Xianzhou Luofu to meet up with a friend, maybe he will show up while were on our way." They said, as if someone could appear magically while in space? Yeah no way.

Boothill sighed. "Fine." He made was making his way back to the Parlor car before it hit him that it might be busy in there right now. Instead of going there he decided to sit on a couch in the sleeping quarters. It was quieter and he wasn't in anyone's way. He laid against the couch with his head against one armrest and legs resting on the other. His hat was put over his face and his arms resting crossed against his chest. It wasn't long before he drifted off. Who knows how long it would take to get to the place they wanted to go. He didn't really care too much. A few hours passed before he woke up. The express had shaken a bit which is what had woke him up from his light slumber but it was nothing he couldn't go back to sleep from, until he heard a voice. 

"You know you really shouldn't dirty a beautiful artifact such as this couch with your dirty shoes. It's considered rude." The voice nagged. Who was this anyways? It was none of their business so why can't they just leave him alone. The ominous voice sounded in between deep and sweet. 

"What's it to you?" Boothill tried to go back to sleep, his hat still left across his face. 

The voice spoke up again. "This is property of very good friend's of mine and I would appreciate it if you didn't ruin it with your reckless acts." 

Boothill just shrugged him off, "I was allowed, now leave me alone." The silence from the stranger told him that he was definitely annoyed but he really didn't care. 'Very good friends of mine' uh huh sure. The sound of footsteps leaving left him feeling relieved, he lifted his hat just enough to see a glimpse of silver armor and a red cape-ish thing. Back to sleep Boothill went. Hopefully the jerk wouldn't be coming back anytime soon.

~ ~ ~



Word Count: 1563

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