Chapter 2

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50,000 years later

In the midst of the joyous celebration in heavenly realm at Yuèmíng Garden, a figure emerged, in his presence a study of elegance and power. Lin Jianyu, Supreme Emperor and master of Fēnglóng Stronghold, commanded attention without a word spoken. With flowing locks of onyx cascading down his back, each step he took seemed to echo with the weight of his authority. His eyes, intense, held the wisdom of ages past, yet glinted with a coldness that sent shivers down the spine of those who dared to meet his gaze. Despite the tranquillity of the garden, there was an unmistakable chill in the air whenever he was near, a testament to the icy resolve that lay beneath his calm exterior.

Lin Jianyu reclined gracefully upon his seat, his gaze drifting across the moonlit landscape. Zhang Hao and Jin Feng already sat opposite him, waiting for their lord as their expressions were unreadable.

Meanwhile, nearby, a figure named Liang Xiang elegantly waved his fan, his lips moving in animated conversation as he exchanged whispered gossip about Lin Jianyu, Zhang Hao, and Jin Feng with Zhou Fang and Xie Jun. "Have you heard the latest rumours?" Liang Xiang exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement.

Zhou Fang leaned in eagerly, asking, "What is it?"

Xie Jun, with a curious expression, inquired, " Tell us."

Liang Xiang leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It's said that Lin Jianyu was hiding a bottle of liquor from the heavenly emperor!"

Xie Jun: "Hiding it? Why would he do that?"

Liang Xiang chuckles, " Even the mightiest lords have their secret indulgence!"

Zhou Fang shared the gossip, "Did you hear? Jin Feng got slapped by the spirit realm princess, Mei Ling! Apparently, he accidentally stepped on her favourite flower and Mei Ling didn't hold back!"

Liang Xiang adds, "Well, I guess even celestial lords aren't immune to the wrath of a princess!"

Liang Xiang casually took a sip of his tea and continued, "I heard Zhang Hao was caught...wait, what was it again?"

Zhou Fang: "Oh, I know! He was caught trying to sneak into the Xīlán Pavilion to borrow a book on forbidden spells!"

Xie Jun: "Forbidden spells? That doesn't sound like Zhang Hao."

Liang Xiang grins mischievously, "Maybe he's planning to cast a love spell on someone!"

Lin Jianyu, growing weary of Liang Xiang's gossip, flicked a small bead towards him. With practiced skill, Liang Xiang calmly blocked it with his fan, his mischievous gaze meeting Lin Jianyu's slightly angered expression before returning to the conversation, his fan waving in a leisurely manner.

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