𝐂𝐡-𝟑 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟; 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤,𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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                                                                                𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧's pov 

As I'm waiting for a business partner for the past fucking 30 mins and the PRESIDENT OF AMERICA has not arrived yet . It's frustrating each and every minute. I mean who sets a meeting with a business associate and arrives this late . 

How can someone just like that forget a meeting with me . ME Vallan Andrews Immanuel.I get it that she is a owner of a fashion brand but her time management sucks.

And like a cherry on the top the meeting is in a cafe named Bites . This is so unprofessional.

As I look through the main door, a gorgeous and small ( I mean she's shorter than me )arrives. Her eyes with the shade of stormy grey and her hair full of curls . She looks like an angel disguised as a woman. Her long eyelashes and her plumpy pink lips . I wanted to kiss her so bad.She is dressed in a black shirt that's tucked in and a pant hugging her body and her curvy legs in show . Wait is this me fuck fuck what's happening. I'm a fucking mafia boss I shouldn't ogle a random girl who's looking like a university graduate. 

I forcefully moved my eyes from her. I couldn't help but look towards her . She looks like a lost girl searching for her parents.Adorable. Wait she's searching for someone. And then she looked towards me. She is making a move towards my table and said "Mr. Immanuel " . I replied "Yes, Vallan Andrews Immanuel here ". She smiled and introduced her " I'm Leila Black , ceo and founder of AMORE'".

I was stunned at her revelation. It took a few mins to regain my composure. I then replied" Nice to meet you , take your seat". She sat down and apologized" I'm so sorry Mr. Immanuel, I got here quite late due to some emergency". I replied" Its alright and call me Vallan". Waw what's happening to me I never forgave a person who's late. 

Actually I wanted to collaborate with a proper fashion brand for the sake factor of our fashion outlets which were in need of experts in that field. So as a first option I chose amore because of their modern techniques and perfection. 

A waitress came to our table and asked me what I wanted to order. I looked at her who's showing off her cleavage and her plastic face. Leila threw a disgusted look. I smirked and gave my order stating " I like my coffee how I like myself; Dark,bitter and too hot for you". Her eyes widened and she asked Leila what she wanted and she muttered a cream coffee. 

As I started discussing the details of the partnership. She said to me "Vallan, so you want me work for you and increase your profit rates with my designs and your brand". She got the point, Smart. I replied "Yes, I honestly think that we could do better if we have experts considering that field ". She smiled and nodded. God that pink taints in her cheeks when she smiles.

I forwarded the agreement regarding the partnership and profit percentage. She read through it carefully. She raised her eyebrow at some point. I wondered why she did that. After a few mins she said to me " Mr. Vallan professionaly speaking I cannot agree to the terms of your profit, it's said that you will acquire 60 and I will acquire 40. This is not fair. The brand might me yours but the work is gonna be mine. Also I would earn this 40 percent in my brand itself then why would I want to collaborate with you".

Damn woman she can be bossy. I replied" I get it ,alright let's keep it 45 and 55". 

She said " 50 and 50 or no ".

I cannot afford to lose her. She's the best one I got . It wouldn't hurt to give in once.I sighed thinking about my loss. But the profit would be much better than now .

I told her " Alright let's seal the deal ". I noticed the corner of her lips curving into a smile . I forced myself not to smile back and I tried to act cold . We shook our hands and I noticed as a small blush crept through her face . We bid bye to each other and I left the cafe smiling like an idiot. 

                                                                             𝐋𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐚's pov 

Im picking up lily from school . Now I'm waiting at the gate as I spotted her . She looks gloomy. I sighed at my babygirl's sad face. She looks like she's gonna cry. She entered the car and as soon as she entered she began sobbing and crying holding my shirt and murdering " Leila, it was so scary, I didn't have anyone near me. Everyone did their own work and never bothered about me .I felt like a person who is not deserving to have a friend". I replied her " it's k sweetness it's k it's alright I'm here na , you shouldn't cry for these things baby . It's your first day right it will get better Bubba I promise". Lily asked "Really". I replied" really". She again asked "Promise". I replied "I promise bubba"

She smiled at me and hugged the life at of me saying " I missed you so much". I chuckled and ruffled her hair. I checked the time . Oh shit I had a meeting in the cafe with Mr. Immanuel. He's the CEO of Immanuel group of companies and he hates people who are tardy. Fuck I messed up.I dropped lily home and rushed to the cafe . 

I arrived at the cafe and started looking everywhere like searching for ballons in a carnival. And then I spotted a man no no an Eiffel tower ( hey he's taller than me ) . He looked like the hottest specimen in the planet. Dashing in a black suit his shirt unbuttoned in the top showing off his chest and a Lil bit of his crafted abs. Perfect jawline along with a daringly handsome face. 

I went towards the table and called for him " Mr. Immanuel". He looked at me for a second and replied "Yes , Vallan Andrews Immanuel here". I apologized and introduced myself as Leila black and the CEO of amore. He was stunned but hid it in mins. He asked me to call him Vallan . 

A waitress approached the table looking like a cheap whore and asked his order. I threw a disgusted look , he smirked and then replied "I like my coffee how I like myself;Dark bitter and too hot for you ". I was shocked would be an understatement. This man has guts . I ordered myself a cream coffee .

I analysed his situation and found myself asking him if he wanted me to upgrade his brand . He affirmed at that . He showed me the agreement as I started reading it . I raised my eyebrows at the profit percentages. After I completely read the document. I confronted him about the percentages and argued with him as I know I'm the only option he has got and he has to give in for sure . After he compromised to 45 and 55. I told him "50 and 50 or no ". I wanted my business to be profited out of this . He thought for a min and agreed and finally gave in . We sealed the deal and shook our hands as I found myself blushing under his gaze 

I bid bye at last and went towards the exit 

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝔸𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 Dꭈׁׅɑׁׅ֮ ꩇׁׅ݊ɑׁׅ֮Where stories live. Discover now