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Bulgaria, 1995

"Madam push," said the midwife to the woman.

The woman shook her head, her eyes filled with fear and exhaustion. She had been in labor for hours and was unsure if she had the strength to continue. "Anelia I can't. Not without the father," she blurted out in pain.

The midwife placed a reassuring hand on the woman's shoulder. "You can do this, Maria. I'm here to help you every step of the way," she said softly.

"I'm here !" They heard a man voice, coming in the room.

"Doctor," exclaimed Anelia, relief he as finally arrived to help her bringing this baby to life.

Maria looked at the doctor with tears in her eyes, grateful for his presence but was wondering where was the father of her baby. "Victor, where is he ?"

The doctor shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Maria. He's not coming." he told her with a sad smile. "We all knew and you knew that once the baby was coming, he was not gonna be around."

Maria felt a mix of emotions - disappointment, hurt, and anger. She had hoped that the man she had fallen in love with would be there for the birth of their child, but deep down, she knew that a vampire and human couldn't live happily ever after.

"Maria, you need to push this baby out," Victor said to her. "Or not only you will die but your baby too."

Not only a human and a vampire couldn't be together, they were not supposed to have a baby together but nature had other plans for them. Her baby would be an offspring of a vampire and a human to be called a Dhampir. This rare and unique being would possess traits and abilities from both species, making them powerful and dangerous.

Maria knew from the moment when Victor told her she was pregnant, she wouldn't survive the birth. Her body would be so damaged from giving birth to a Dhampir that she would not be able to recover. But she was willing to make that sacrifice for her child.

"Madam push," the midwife repeated as holding her hand, and Maria pushed with all her strength.

After what felt like an eternity, the sound of a baby's cry filled the room. Maria collapsed back, exhausted but elated. The doctor placed the newborn on her chest, and tears of joy streamed down Maria's face.

Maria whispered to Victor. "Victor please make sure she'll always stay on the bright side and doesn't turned fully like her father....."

Victor nodded, his own eyes filled with tears as he looked at the beautiful baby girl. He silently promised to do everything in his power to ensure her daughter always knew love, happiness, and positivity in her life.

Maria smiled through her tears, knowing that her sacrifice was worth it for this precious Dhampir child. She whispered softly,
"I love you, my darling. You are a miracle."

On that day, Cassandra Hathaway was the first Dhampir to ever exist and on this day, her mother has passed away.

As she grew up, Victor made sure she was surrounded by love, kindness, and positivity.

Cassandra became a beacon of hope and light in a world filled with darkness. She embraced her unique heritage and used her powers for good, bringing peace and harmony wherever she went.

Victor watched with pride as his daughter blossomed into a strong and compassionate young woman, always staying true to the bright side of life.

But everything would change in the Dhampir's life when she's gonna cross path with Katherine Pierce and meet the famous Klaus Mikaelson.

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