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Cassandra Hathaway woke up by the sound of her phone ringing. Groggily, she reached over to her nightstand and answered the call.

"Hello ?" she mumbled.

"Happy Birthday Cassie !!!!" her friend Nathaira Hallowes exclaimed in the other end.

Cassie's eyes widened in surprise as she realized what day it was. She had completely forgotten that today was her birthday.

"Thank you, Nat ! I totally forgot it was today," Cassie said, feeling grateful for her thoughtful friend.

Nathaira laughed, "I know you're not big on celebrating, but I couldn't let your birthday go by without at least a phone call."

Cassie smiled, touched by her friend's gesture. "I appreciate it, Nat. Maybe we can grab dinner later to celebrate ?"

"I would love too," her friend started to say with a hint of hesitation in her voice, "but Jasper and I won't be able to make it to Mystic Falls tonight."

Cassie's heart sank at the mention of Jasper, her best friend. She hasn't seen him since last year, right before she moved back to Mystic Falls.

"Is everything okay with Jasper ?" Cassie asked, concern evident in her voice.

Nathaira hesitated before responding, "He's just been really busy with work lately. But he sends his birthday wishes and hopes to see you soon."

Cassie felt a mixture of emotions - disappointment and longing to see Jasper mixed with understanding of his hectic schedule. "Tell him I miss him and appreciate the birthday wishes," she said softly.

As they continued to chat, Cassie couldn't shake the feeling of missing her best friend. Despite the distance and time apart, their bond remained strong.

After saying goodbye to Nathaira, Cassie sat on her bed, reflecting on the past year and the upcoming one. A lot have happened in her life since she moved back in Mystic Falls and a lot was about to happen in the Dhampir's life.

After showered and getting dressed, Cassandra made her way to the kitchen to find her dad, Victor Hattaway already brewing a pot of coffee.

He looked up and smiled as she entered the room. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," he said, handing her a wrapped gift.

Cassandra's eyes widened with excitement as she eagerly tore open the present. Inside was a beautiful necklace that sparkled in the morning light. She hugged her dad tightly, feeling grateful for such a thoughtful gift. "Thank you so much, Dad. I love it !" she exclaimed, admiring the necklace as it caught the light.

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