Chapter 4

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~Ashlynn's POV~
I was the first to wake up of course. Jade and Ayla always sleep till noon while I'm up at the buttcrack of dawn and unfortunately no matter how tired I am caffeine doesn't work on me oh well guess that's just how I was made. I quickly shower in the guest bath not to wake up the sleeping beauties in my room. After showering I blow dry my hair then put it up in to a half up do with two little pig tails on either side of my head and change into some leggings and a tank top and put on my house slippers and walk down stairs. Once I'm downstairs I open the fridge "damn I really need to go shopping." I grunt to myself and pull out my phone to see what time it is and the clock reads 7:42am. Well I guess I have time to go to the store before they wake up. But just in case I'm gunna leave a note on the fridge. Once that's done I grabbed my keys to my 2016 Subaru Sti. It was a graduation present from my brother. He actually saved up to get it so I treasure her every day when I don't ride my motorcycle. I get in and head to the store thankfully it's only a 8 minute drive away. Once I'm done shopping and head back I get a phone call from someone I really DON'T want to hear from..Mikey. I know I'll probably regret this later but I answer.
"Ashlynn is my sister still with you?"
"Yes where else would she be? Plus she's still pissed at your dumbass. Mikey you know how she gets after the shit with Tora"
I can hear him sigh. "Yeah okay I know I already got lectured by Cj Morgan and even Emma!"
"Was there a point behind your call? Or are you on your shit again?"
"Yes there was. Just keep an eye on her today. We're all going out tonight.. all the guys are I mean."
"Oh uhm have fun I guess?"
I quickly hang up the phone not wanting to deal with him anymore. I get back home and begin to make some pancakes,bacon and eggs. Once I'm done I run upstairs and get Jade and Ayla. Thankfully they're both more than willing after they hear food.
"So your brother called." I say to Jade as I'm munching on a piece of bacon. "Oh? What did he want?" She says while staring at her food pushing the eggs around her plate. "To let me know to keep an eye on you. Guess all the guys from the gang are going out tonight?" I state plainly as I begin to wash the dishes. "OH MY GOD ASH WE GOTTA SPY ON THEM!!" Ayla screams and hops up and down with a pancake on her fork getting syrup everywhere. "Jesus Ayla calm the fuck down okay. I mean I guess we could? But why are we spying on them? Not like anything funny's gunna-actually this is perfect! Let me call Cj and see if he's going because he can be our inside eyes and ears! I think my brother even has some of that old spy crap in his room." I say while thinking about where that stuff could be. Jade pulls out her phone and dials her younger brother.
"Hey Cj are you going to the guys party tonight?"
"Hey,yeah why? It's kinda mine and darkens first date.." we can hear him blushing through the phone.
"AWE!!! So adorable, but not the reason I called. Ayla Ash and I are gunna spy on them and want you to be our inside guy. Ash said Tora had some spy stuff she's gunna see if she can find and have you wear."
"Yeah sure I can do that. I'll come over in like a few hours. The guys are meeting up at 7 so that gives us about 5 hours when I get there."
"Sweet love you!"
"Love you too sis. Bye"

"Well Cj is all on board him and Morgan should be here in a couple hours. We gotta find some disguises if we think we're gunna be spying on these boys. They can be smart sorta" we all laugh at her statement.

"I think I have the perfect idea." I state with a smirk on my face and rush to my brothers room to get some clothes that would fit each of us I also grabbed my trunk of makeup prosthetics and wigs. "We're gunna turn ourselves into guys so we can also spy on them! I found the stuff for Cj also." I state setting everything on my kitchen table. "If you think it's a good idea I'm in." Ayla states with confidence. "I mean.. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun spying on the boys" says Jade while she rubs the back of her neck nervously.

~4 hours later~
Cj got here about an hour ago and we have him making sure we look spot on like dudes. Sure enough that special effects class I took in high school paid off!
"Damn I'd fuck us" Ayla laughs out as we're looking at ourselves in the mirror of my bathroom.
"I mean we do look pretty bangable what do you think Jade?" I ask with her hand still intertwined with both mine and.
She states. She does have a point but thankfully I've come prepared. "That's what these are for. It's a necklace and sits at the base of your throat and changes your voice like this..*manly voice* like this. Damn I even sound hot!" I say while laughing. "OH THATS SO COOL!" Ayla screams as she does gimme hands for hers.

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