Chapter 11

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Part of the wedding feast and the wedding night 😳. I hope you guys like it 🥰

4 days later.

Rhaenyra looked at her daughter and had to hold back tears. While she was happy that Saerys was marrying a good man and one who would protect her and make her happy, it was not easy to give her daughter away. Alaerya had been a bit different since her eldest daughter would still live in the Red Keep with them, but Saerys would be a different matter , her daughter would be staying in the North for the rest of her life. She had to choke back a sob when Cregan had removed her daughter's red and black cloak and exchanged it for one bearing the Stark's sigil. It almost felt like she was losing her daughter, but she did not dare cry, knowing that her husband was capable of causing a scene and stopping the wedding. Daemon had been the one to walk their daughter to Cregan as the man stood in front of the heart tree. She had not missed her husband's hesitance when it came time to give their daughter to Cregan. Daemon's hand had tightened on Saerys's until the woman had to pat her father's hand and whispered something to him.

The ceremony had been beautiful and Rhaenyra could see why the Starks and the rest of the Northern houses had fought so hard to maintain their customs and gods. She wished her predecessors had done the same instead of bowing to the faith of the seven. The Northern ceremony was almost as beautiful and sacred as a Valyrian one.

Now they were back in the great hall, which had been decorated for the wedding and she watched as Saerys danced with her new husband, a large smile on her face. The music was happy and lively, wine was flowing and several people were dancing, but Saerys and Cregan did not seem able to take their eyes away from each other. Alaerya and Aemon were also dancing and laughing as the people around them clapped. Rhaenyra noticed Maekar and Aerion were flirting with a few girls and hoped her brothers would know better than to seduce noble women.

"Y ou should dance with me. " Daemon took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. " I believe I have behaved so well that I deserve a reward."

"Y ou almost ran away with our daughter , do not think I did not see the way you were holding onto her in the Godswood. " He pouted and she rolled her eyes before kissing his lips. " But I would enjoy dancing with my handsome husband. "

He smiled and led her onto the dance floor as they joined the other couples. Rhaenyra was thankful her four youngest daughters were in bed already. She had made sure the nursemaids and their guards would keep an eye on them until she and Daemon returned to their chambers. Her other children were dancing, playing, and running around. People seemed to watch them with amusement, not bothered in the least by their enthusiasm. If it had been Kings Landing she would have sent them to bed already, but the people in the North had no issues with them.

They had been dancing for a few minutes when some of the lords started raising their voices and calling for the bedding. Women joined the chant as some of the Northern lords started to approach Saerys.

Rhaenyra saw Daemon's eyes narrowed and his body tensed. Her hands gripped him tighter and she gave him a warning look. " Do not start a fight ."

Her husband glared at her. " I am not allowing any man to rip my daughter's clothes. She is a princess and as such she deserves respect. "

Since they arrived things had been a bit hectic with so many of them in attendance and all the preparations for the wedding. Rhaenyra had completely forgotten about the bedding ceremony and she berated herself for not having talked to Cregan about it. She knew her husband and brothers would not be happy about it. Before her husband could do something that would cause great offense Cregan turned towards the man who reached for Saerys.

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