Chapter 1|Stalking

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One thing about me is i can find anything

Me and my friend melanie used to talk almost everyday, but one day we lost touch and I haven't talked to her since. I knew there was a way i could find her so i got to digging.

I remembered that she had told me the name of her school so i looked it up. I had quickly found a account on instagram that seemed to be about the prettiest girls at that school.

While searching through the account i came accoss a picture of Melanie, so i started to look through the likes of the post. I found an account called @luvrmel so i knew that was her. Her page was completely blank and only have one follower and following. The persons username was @noshitjovon so i was guessing it must be Melanies boyfriend.

I dont know why i wanted to talk to her again so bad but i did everything i have to do to make sure it happened.But i also didnt wanna look desperate texting Melanies and letting her know i was stalking her. So i did what any normal person would do. I messaged the possible boyfriends account.

All my life iv been a straight A student with no problems at hand. Living in new york city all my life trying to fit in but also acting my age. All my friends are allowed to go party and hang out but i cant. My parents are very strict since i am their only and youngest daughter with a family of 2 older brother. My parents want me to be this perfect 14 year old girl all the time and dont let me grow up. But in the end it hurts me because i am now left out from my friends. Iv never got to share the experiences they've went through and gotten to know them outside of school. I just feel im getting left behind in growing up and finding out who i truely am.

Another thing im behind on is relationships. Everyone else is dating and having fun but what about me? My best friends julia and alexa both have boyfriends and im always left as either a 3rd or 5th wheel. I wish i had someone to myself where i could go on cute dates and just feel their touch. But its also my biggest fear. How would i know how to be loved or know whats wrong and right? Iv never gone throught it myself. You never know until you try ,so any opportunity in my way ill take it regardless of my restrictions.

Not having a boyfriend was really my first priority but its fun to fantasize about.I know im not ugly so thats not the reason im single. People tend to say that im very intimidating due to anyways worrying about myself first and being so quiet. But in reality i was nothing like that and i tend to care to much about people.

Next year i am going to high school so im hoping my parents will try to lossen up and finally let me live me life as a teenage girl. This is the last 2 months of school before summer and i have to make the most of it while i still can. If i dont do it now then when can i?

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