Chapter 3| persona

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If i want Jovon to think i gave him my real snap then i have to make it believable.

To set up the fake account i had to follow some crucial steps;

1. Obviously make the account
This was easy since I already had a account that i could use that didn't say my real name.

2. Make a fake persona
I made a note in my phone all about the personality just so I wouldn't forget what iv said before. (I cant get caught in a lie). I also made sure that the the facts about her are as similar to me as possible. This way i could see if i have a chance with him.

3. Lastly, get a fake snap score
To do this i told my friend Julia to send me snaps on her main. When i got a score of 3k then i texted him. If he saw i had a small snap score he would know this is a new account.


At school my friends don't get me. Its like every time i try to fit in i cant. Iv always been seen as the pretty girl but i don't understand how if I'm never noticed. Everyone gos up to my friends and feels more comfortable talking to them then to me.

My moms always told me that the reason some people may feel intimidated my me or jealous is because of my beauty. Some people feel threatened by it and try to put me down.

I feel that my friends always make me the center of a joke. And when i try to stand up for myself they just brush it off and say they are joking. Nobody understands my pain and say that i cant be going through that if I'm pretty. They have no idea.

*ring ring ring* the bell gos as first period ends

As i head to 2nd period with my best friend julia we spot our friend group.  We walk up to them and say hi but they dont have the same energy they had with julia. Every one always says "theres no leader in my friend group" but we all know thats not true.

In my group there is one of my other best friends. Her name is Alexa and she isnt the stereotypical group leader. She is known as "the funny one". While i agree with that, sometimes the things she does are just annoying and arnt funny.

But i know if i were to say that the rest of the girls would come at me and tell me to shut up and that im not funny myself. Who wants their friends to hate them? So i knew all i could do is stay quiet.

"Guys did you see the tiktok i sent you? It was so funny bro i keep on thinking about it." Says Alexa

"The one you sent in the group chat? Yes bro i was dying." Maya said

Meanwhile while they are saying this im mad confused.

"What video" i said

"Oh its some video of a girl busting her ass after getting chased by a dog." "When you explain it its not as funny." Alexa said

I laughed awkwardly

Also it weird how they said it was in a group chat because i know for a fact i haven't gotten any notifications for our main chat.
Did they make a group chat without me ?

"Speaking of not funny why would you post that video Kiara? Your trying way to hard." Alexa said

I was just being myself in the video but thats never good enough for them. And what makes it worse is that my best friend Julia would agree.

In reality i know Julia is just like me. She try's her hardest to fit in so if that means laughing at jokes at my expense, she will.

Even though we don't seen like it Alexa, Julia and I are a trio. But even though I love her Julia is the biggest follower i know. Everything Alexa says she agrees.

After Alexa said what she said i just stayed silent. If i started a problem they would all be on her side anyways.

Iv always thought Alexa was jealous of me for some reason. Even though she is funny shes never been the pretty one. Thats the reason she try's to make fun of me. She try's to hid the fact that she ugly with her humor. But i know deep down she just wants to be seen.

Like Tyler the creator once said "i say the loudest one in the room is prolly the loneliest one in the room , attention seeker, public speaker."

The thing about them is that they are completely different on the phone. We are all bestie bestie while on call. We talk all day and night. I knew secretly they would talk shit about me, but they are all i have.

Should i tell them about Javon, or would i regret that decision?
  Guess theres one way to find out!
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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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