Wrong call

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Eri was sitting on Kota's bed awkwardly. He had that same group of boys around and they all managed to peer pressure Kota into trying vodka. "Kota I don't think you should..." Eri starts but he was already downing another bottle. "Kot-" "shut it slut." Jake growls, "we're just having fun, here loosen up and have some fun too babe" he says offering Eri a bottle and she makes a disgusted face. "No thanks." She says shoving the bottle away "stop being boring and try it" Haru says "peer pressure won't work on me." She hisses and Jake growls and turns back to Kota. "Just leave her alone" he says a little tipsy.

That night Kota was a complete mess. Of course when his friends convinced kota, while he was absolutely drunk off his ass, to just sneak out. Eri of course told Mandalay which got all of them in a lot of trouble, by the time Kota sobered up a bit he was actually pissed at eri. "You okay?..." Eri asks bringing him some water, "what's it to ya, fucking snitch." Eri tries to brush off the comment...which was easier said then done, after all Kota was her only friend. Meaning he was more important to eri than anything else. "Here's some water..." Eri says, Kota took it and looks at it for a bit before tossing it in eri's face. "Piss off." Eri flinches and tries so hard not to cry, "why are you so mad at me?...I was just worried about you is that so wrong?..." Eri says and kota rolls his eyes. "I was fucking fine! How about you learn to mind your own fucking business next time?!" He says and Eri looks away. "So when I'm worried it's 'mind your Business' but if I pulled that stunt I'd get an ear full from you and suddenly I'm not allowed to hangout with them anymore. Got it" "that's different. Unlike you I can protect myself and barely anyone assaults men" he says annoyed. "They fucking forced you into that! But when someone accidentally gave me caffeine I wasn't allowed to hangout with them anymore" eri says also annoyed. "But then you get drunk off you ass and I get worried cuz it's one thing being here where I at least know you're gonna be okay but then you sneak out and won't fucking listen when I tell you to stop?!" She growls and takes a deep breath. "If it bothers you so much we don't have to be friends anymore. Or you can just shut up and mind your fucking business." He says, Eri just looked at him in shock. He knew he was her only friend and she didn't want to lose that...so while it was low he was using that fact against her. "... fine...just please don't get hurt?" She asks and Kota rolls his eyes "stop telling me what to do."

~fast forward to years later~

"Hey! We still on for tonight?" A text eri sent to kota hours ago. He read it but never responded, eri was just getting ready for that movie night. She then gets a notification and when she opened it she just saw Kota at a party making out with some girl. "...oh..." Eri looks down trying to not cry, after all Kota was supposed to be her boyfriend... Yet he wouldn't even kiss her or actually make time for her. This was the 8th time he stood her up for a party and she just watched that video and just realized he didn't actually care for her anymore. "Right...." She takes a deep breath and just looks at herself in the TV's reflection. She then looks through all her and Kota's texts, she then realized that he barely even actually engaged in conversation with her, there was only one time he said he loved her and was when he was actually black out drunk...even then it wasn't meant for her. Hell it was actually her that started the relationship, and all kota gave was just a half assed "sure" when she asked if he wanted to date her. "He never....I..." Eri takes a deep breath and just leaves the house. Desperate for any type of distraction, she ended up at her friend satsuki's house and just cried in her arms. She always saw how Kota looked at certain girls and how he always seemed so charming and treated them like they were absolute goddesses...she always hoped that someday he'd look at her like that and treat her like that too. "I don't get it...why doesn't he like me..." Eri says just an absolute mess and Satsuki sighs and holds her. "Cuz he's an ass...look I know you love holding onto how he used to treat you...and how he treats literally every girl besides you...but it's time to move on girl...I know you love him and all but if he doesn't love you back then just....let him go" she says rubbing eri's head and she ended up having to break up with Kota for her. That night Eri just stayed with Satsuki and she was a mess for awhile, of course Kota didn't even seem phased he just said "wait you thought we were dating?" Of course that crushed eri more, after all kota had an actual girlfriend who he treated like a queen...he actually got with her way after saying "sure" to dating eri. Hell the girl he was dating was actually the same girl he was making out with in that video.

"So...he's capable of loving someone and treating them well...I just wasn't worth loving..." Eri says seeing how well Kota was treating that girl and how happy and loved she seemed. Satsuki sighs and holds eri taking her phone and shutting it off, "c'mon....let's watch your favorite movie...he ain't worth your tears hun..."

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