Introduction to The OC

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Hi! It's the author here, I'm here to introduce you to my OC Kiri Takami, she is the main character in this story, which I'm shipping with Shoto Todoroki. 

Kiri  Ichinohe (Takami)


Air manipulation: 

 The user of this quirk will be able to manipulate air using dead cells and body tempratures, it can be used to make shields, form weapons, make water or ice, and create small objects with random atoms in the air. If too much of the air manipulation quirk is used, the user will develop a giant headache, eventually blacking out if not careful. 

The user of this quirk can also manipulate the weather if trained enough.


The user of this quirk is born with wings, which are useless until they are around 5 years old. That is when they become big enough to fly with. They also will have regeneration properties this is because the user will be able to use their feathers as weapons, or tracking devices, and can control them no matter how far away they are.  the drawbacks are that the user will have many bird-like sensitivities, like sensitive wings, and hearing.


Mother: Kiyoka Ichinohe, a kind-hearted woman who runs a restaurant,  her quirk is ventilation, in which she can make bad smells, dust, and germs disappear, a very handy cleaning quirk. She can use it to suck the air out of that room if she gets angry. she is heartbroken from her breakup, but she continues to work hard to give her children futures. 

Father:  (Hawks) Keigo Takami, a flirty yet charming hero. Or so it seems, he abandoned Kiri's mom saying she had a reputation to uphold, breaking up with her while she was pregnant with Kiri and her twin brother.

Brother:  Kento Ichinohe (Takami), A hard-working and charming twin, wants to take over the family restaurant someday, so he can support their family if Kiri is ever too reckless with her motives. His quirk is bird hair, he has increased strength, speed, smarts, and endurance with feathers as hair. These feathers can also be used as tracking devices like Kiri, harden to form a helmet, and regenerate. He hates their father with a burning passion, just like Kiri.

That's all the lore I will be providing for now! enjoy!

My Angel (Shoto x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora