Parting Ways

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"You kissed him?!" Claire exclaimed.

Maia quickly clapped her hand over the young sorceress's mouth. "Not so loud, someone might hear you."

"And why's that such a bad thing?" she mumbled. "No, okay, I want all the deets. Tell me everything."

"Claire..." Maia glanced at the skyboat, barely visible through the trees. "Alright, I'll tell you after he's left. Deal?"

"Fine, deal." She pulled Maia's hand away. "And then we can go clothes shopping?"

"Uh..." Maia glanced down at her dress—still covered in dirt and stains from the battle—and shrugged. "I don't see why we can't."

"Awesome. If you can't find me when you're done, go find Jim." She waved at Maia and headed off down the road. Maia rolled her eyes and headed towards the boat, smiling a little to herself.

I have friends.

Friends that weren't Douxie (still a friend? Boyfriend? I don't know) or Morgana (who's dead now). The fuzzy feeling inside her chest grew brighter still when she caught a glimpse of Douxie talking to Archie and Jim near the boat.

"And there she is," Archie said with a knowing grin, flying over and settling across Maia's shoulders. "Morning, Your Highness."

"Stop calling me that," she said. "Just Maia is fine."

"Okay, Just Maia."

"Ignore him," Douxie said. "How are we this morning, my love?"

"Oh, you know..." She shared a look with Jim, who was grinning like an idiot. "Good."

"Ignore him as well." Douxie nudged Archie away and took Maia's hand, leading her a little ways off from them. "So...are we okay? Like you and me?"

"Okay in what way?" she asked. "If you're talking about the kiss—"

"No, no, not that. Though that was nice, we should do that more often." He winked at her and then sighed. "But no. I mean...Would you like to be my girlfriend? Thought we might as well make it official."

"As long as you're okay with being my boyfriend," she replied.

"Then absolutely, with no hesitations, yes."

Maia laughed. "I'm going to miss you, you idiot."

"Yeah, I know." He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, to indicate to Jim. "But he's got my number. We can call and facetime and that."

"I want you to know I did not understand a word you just said."

"Yeah, figures. But you'll learn." He cupped her face in his hands. "You know, they say knowledge is power. By the time I see you again, you'll practically be a god."

"Oh, very funny."

"No, I'm serious!" He kissed her forehead, then glanced back at the boat. Nari was now waiting alongside the former Trollhunter and Archie. Douxie sighed. "I should go."

"Are you sure I can't come?" Maia whispered. "I can help you."

"Arcadia needs a defender." He hugged her tightly, resting his chin atop her head. "And that's you. And I know this sucks, but I hope that it won't be for long."

"Fine," she mumbled. "But you owe me."

"I expected nothing less." He moved back and looked at the ship again. "Okay. Have a task for you."

"A task? You better not be giving me work, Hisirdoux." She folded her arms tightly and he chuckled.

"No. It' Should be fun, at least. I need you to find the blueprints for your amulet. Well...your's and Jim's amulet. I had an idea I pitched to Krel, but he needs the plans before we can gather the pieces."

"You're going to make him another amulet?" Maia asked. "Will that really work?"

"Well, here's to hoping." He looked down at her. "And you were there when the amulet was forged so you should have some idea how it's made. Please?"

"Fine. It doesn't sound like fun though."

He kissed her gently. "Then I'm sure you can make it fun."

"Good gods, by the time night comes around, everyone's gonna know about the kiss," Maia mumbled, but with a smile. "Why do they have to be so...invested? Claire was practically buzzing when she confronted me."

"What can I say? This generation is weird." Douxie gave her an awkward nod. "I'll call. And I swear I'll be safe. So...I guess I'll see you soon then."

Maia nodded stiffly. "I guess so." But then she grabbed his hand as he turned to leave. "Wait. Douxie..."


"Just say goodbye. I don't want what happened last time to happen again."

Douxie smiled at her warmly. "Goodbye, Maia Pendragon."

He hopped into the skyboat with Archie and Nari, and the skyboat flew away as Jim moved to her side. "You know? I never took him for such a sappy guy."

~ • ~

"It's nothing spectacular," Maia said. "Honestly, Claire, I'm not sure what else you're expecting."

"Neither do I," she replied. "But...that was your first kiss, right?"


"So? Talk about it! Talk about him. I'm sure you have something to say."

Maia laughed quietly, grimacing at one of the tiny shirts hanging from a rail. Clothes these days are really strange. "Is this what it's like to have a sister?"

"Think so. I've never had one so I wouldn't know."

"Do you have any siblings?"

"A brother, yeah." Her hand lingered on one of the rails. "I almost lost him to the Darklands. He was swapped with a changeling and...Jim promised to get him back for me. He almost died in the process but he did it. He saved Enrique." She shook her head. "You never truly appreciate what you have until it's gone."

"Mmm, I know the feeling." When Claire gave her a look, she shrugged. "Camelot. I used to be so desperate to leave it's gone. I'd do anything to have one more night in my bed."

Claire pulled out a pair of black pants with one of the legs patterned with yellow stars. "What do you think?"

She reached out and felt them. "What material is this?"


"Never heard of it."

"Well, you have now." She gave it to Maia to hold and then took a honey-yellow collared top and handed it to her. "Do you like yellow?"

"Uh...sort of?"

"Cool." She pointed somewhere to her left. "The change rooms are over that way, you can try on your outfit. I'll be out here if you have any questions."

As she walked away to look at more clothes, Maia sighed.

Maybe staying in Arcadia wouldn't be so bad.

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