Chapter 5: Truth Comes Out

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(You: ?? Ace: 10 Sabo: 10 Luffy: 7)

You had all moved to inside the rather impressive tree house to have this strange discussion (after Garp nearly fell from the branch for the third time). You had at first hid your wings again, hoping to make it less awkward when you had to explain, but Luffy insisted on keeping them out.

"Don't hide them! They look so cool! Why would you want to hide such an awesome part of you!"

It... was weirdly deep and comforting coming from the seven year old. Normally, you wouldn't care, brush aside the words and potential deeper meaning the child had no way of knowing was there, but for some reason, it was because it came from Luffy that made your heart swell, just a bit.

Garp was the first to speak up, with his pinky up his nose yet again.

"So, you're a bird?"

You didn't even have a chance to correct him before Sabo butted in.

"What? No way! (Those are scales, you old geaser!/those feathers don't look anything like the ones from around here!)"

Those two seconds took away any tension left in the room, leaving you and Luffy laughing your asses off.

Ace just looked around like you all had lost your minds (trying to hide the small smile). It took a good minute for the laughter to die down enough to begin explaining. You couldn't help but get tense again.

This was something you only ever willingly shared with one person. Aka, Ace. Sure, out there on the grand line, a large group of individuals knew, but it was as if this little island was your safe haven.

Somewhere you could decide on your own terms what others knew about you. And now you had to explain it all.

Well... not ALL of it.

Garp knew half, and Ace knew the other half.

Which half did you tell? What group were you willing to leave in the dark? Who were you prepared to hear every bit? It was decided before you were ready.

You needed to tell the half Ace knew. Garp would be the only one to know the full extent. In some cases, more than that group on the grand line.

But Ace...

"Just tell us already!"

Ace smacked Luffy on the back of the head.

"Shut up! They'll take as long as they want!"

You couldn't help but give a smile of thanks to Ace. He seemed to be the person you smile not to as of late.....

Well, that decides it.

"Alright, fine.. the truth is-"


You had to cover your ears from the shear onslaught of screams. It was what you were expecting, but that didn't make your ears bleed any less.

"YOU'RE A DRAGON?!" -Luffy


Ace and Garp were in stunned silence for a long moment, trying to process their respective other half of information.


You unfurled your wings, letting them get a good few feet before stopping. The spot you were at in their little tree house wasn't quite big enough. Luffy didn't seem to mind and immediately ran to investigate and play with them, Sabo not far behind.

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