1. Father Figure

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Growing up as the kid of Tony Stark was never a great experience. Your dad was either out partying or throwing a party, and so you would lock yourself in your room in order to a avoid seeing him look for some random girl to sleep with. You knew he didn't have a good example to base his parenting off of, but he was a really shitty dad. Not in the same way his own father was, Tony just wasn't present. You rarely ever talked to him, which made it difficult to view him as your dad.

And, it felt like you would end up taking care of him more than he took care of you; you were always cleaning up after his parties, and dragging him to his bed when he fell asleep drunk on the couch or in his lab. He needed more care from you than it seemed he could afford to give, which made you realize that he should have never had a kid when he did. You knew it was a mistake that he got stuck with because he felt that he would be able to give you a better life than your mother could, although you never met her.

You tried not to blame him for your childhood, but it was inevitable.

When you were 20, he was kidnapped in Afghanistan. You always warned him that creating weapons would get him in trouble, and after he was kidnapped, you once again felt like you were cleaning up his mess. You didn't know if he was alive or dead, but the world forced you to move on and take his place. You hated it because you never wanted to be like him; never wanted to run Stark Industries; never wanted to create weapons of war.

Once she noticed you were struggling, Pepper stepped up and helped you, and together you handled every business deal, and every press release about your missing father. It hurt to know that he was probably suffering on the other side of the world, waiting to be saved by people who were unlikely to come to his rescue. God, every time you called for updates, you'd hear Rhodey beat himself up over not finding him. But, Tony was your irresponsible father who struggled to care about anybody but himself, and as much as you hated it, sometimes you felt like he deserved it.

Four months later, your father returned. Injured but alive, and the first thing he did when he saw you was hug you. That was the first time he felt like he was your dad. He apologized for ever willingly taking you for granted. Then, he invited you to help him facilitate Stark Industries' shift from weapons production to innovating technology, which caused you two to grow closer. He was finally acting like a dad, and you finally felt like you had a family.

The next four years were a change from your usual pace. Your dad and you created a lot of inventions, and most importantly, helped a lot of people. He tried to make up for all the pain he caused so he helped as many people as he could. He donated, he volunteered, and he advocated. Your dad had truly changed from who he was before, from playboy to philanthropist, and it was change no one expected.

In 2012, you sat in the tower watching the news of your dad fighting and feared that you would loose him again. The fear wasn't new, you'd felt it when he fought Stane, when he got on that race track, and when Vanko and Hammer tried to kill him. But, a threat this unknown was multiplying your fear by a thousand. You knew how reckless your dad could be, and now that he was tasked with saving people from aliens you were scared he would truly give it all he has.

But, it wasn't until Loki entered the tower that you began fearing for your own life. It had escaped your mind that this was all happening outside of your own windows.

Loki saunters into your living room, unnoticed as you were completely engrossed in the news and biting your fingernails in worry.

"Ah, a Stark Junior," he says. "Didn't know he had one of those."

You immediately jump up and face him, ready to defend your fathers technology—what you assume he is after. There was so much lying around the building that could shift this fight in Loki's favor with no hope  your dad and his friends could win. The new reactor power source was one.

"Oh darling, so ready to fight. You've got fire in your eyes that rivals that of the Valkyrie," he praises. "You could have a place by my side, with so much power it would make a God falter." Loki steps closer to you, his eyes pleading and confident.

"I do not want power. Power makes good men greedy. There is no power without the exploitation of others," you spit. You had seen what power had done to your own father. He once felt like he could control the world and every war, but it made him arrogant and got him kidnapped. And, you knew what it did to every leader, history was enough proof of that.

Loki's face contorts into disgust. "Isn't power what all you measly mortals want? Control is the most coveted thing in your world and you reject the offer of a God?"

"Well, some of us don't want to be Gods."

He steps closer and his glowing scepter finally catches your eye.

"Darling, I can make you want to be powerful. So, if you won't join me willingly, I'll make you join me," he says, leaning his scepter towards your heart.

You quickly push it to the side and run away towards the door, but five Lokis appear in front of you and block your way. You step back and trip over the step and fall backwards.

One Loki steps forward and crouches down to be face to face with you.

"You're a wily one, aren't you?" he said.

Cornered, you do the last thing you can think of. Warn your dad.

"JARVIS, tell my dad that he's in the tower," you quickly announce before Loki could try to use the scepter again. Loki slaps you once he realizes what you did.

"You've got heart, Stark. But, you're too rebellious to be of any use to me," Loki spits. And you can't remember anything afterwards. But, you do remember being picked up by a blonde haired man in a blue suit.

a/n: sorry for making loki kind of an ass y'all know i love him but it's for the plot

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