Change [ 05 ]

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                I brought my hand up to the familiar door and hesitated slightly before rasping the wood three times. I began pondering the thought of taking my mother up on her deal – spending the day at the house and catching up with each other. But honestly, more than anything, I wanted to get this off my chest – I couldn’t keep lying to myself. But before I had the chance to turn away and run, the door opened, revealing a face I hadn’t seen in ages.

                “Oh Paige, what I lovely surprise!” she exclaimed, clasping her hands together before pulling me into a motherly embrace. I smiled into the hug, wrapping my arms around her torso. “Hi Mrs. McDonough.” I greeted politely. She pulled away and stared at me; her brown eyes lighting up with joy. She stood there staring at me for about ten seconds, while I shifted from foot to foot on the step nervously.

                “Sorry,” she apologized quickly, opening the door wider. “Please, come in.” she suggests, her cheerful tone making my day slightly brighter. Mrs. McDonough had been like a second mother ever since Toby and I became friends. I still remember when I first met her, she had immediately welcomed me with open arms – and I couldn’t be more thankful for that.

                I accept her invitation, stepping into the cozy one story home; the smell of Apple Pie hitting my nostrils instantly. I breathed in the delightful aroma and closed my eyes in complete bliss – Toby’s mom made the best pies. Taking in the houses detail, I couldn’t find anything that had changed since I left. I mean, there were some new pictures of the boys performing, but other than that, nothing big seemed to have been removed or added.

                “So,” she starts, I whip my head in her direction as she closes the door behidn us. “How long have you been back – Leslie had mentioned they were throwing you a party, but I had other commitments.” She explained, a look of sincerity in her eyes. I couldn’t help but smile at the brunette woman as she did so.

                “Actually, I just got back into town yesterday.” I reassured her. Her eyes light up and she clasps her hands together. “That’s great! How was London?” she asks curiously. I let out a sigh of content, London had been, without a doubt, the best experience I could’ve had in my whole life. The people, their culture, everything had felt so surreal. “Everything was great, I got the chance to tour the Parliament building, Buckingham Palace, and I even spent a whole day on the London Eye.” I explain, getting lost in thought just thinking about my adventure.

                “I’m so happy for you!” she coos, switching directions towards the kitchen. “I’ll get you something to drink.” She suggests. Before I could decline the offer, she turned on her heel and entered the kitchen; leaving me alone in my own thoughts.

                Not a second later, I heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs but I was too lost in thought to pay that any attention. My eyes lingered on the family photos before stopping on one in particular – it was Toby and I, a month after I had moved to town. A cheesy smile was plastered on his face as he stared into the camera. I turned my attention towards myself in the picture; my head was thrown back in laughter and my arms were snaked tightly around Toby’s neck as he gave me a piggy back ride.

                “Paige?” someone whispered, and I literally froze in place – I knew that voice all too well. Slowly, I summoned the courage and turned around to face the brunette boy. His eyes were widened and his arms hung loosely at his sides as he stared at me with shock written across his face.

                I smiled weakly, “Hi Toby.”

Change | Toby McDonough (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now