Samezuka's Festival Ova

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3rd Pov

It was Samezuka's school festival, and the Iwatobi group went to go check it out.

"A private sports high school doesn't disappoint. It's huge!" Rei pointed out.

"We've been to their indoor pool a lot, but we've never actually walked around the campus." Makoto stated.

"Yeah." Haru agreed.

"Hey! Look at that! It's Samezuka-chan!" Nagisa pointed to the mascot.

"What is that?" Rei sweatdropped.

"It's Samezuka Academy's mascot." Airi answered.

"They...have one of those?" Makoto wasn't impressed either.

"It's cool." Haru gleamed.

Makoto sighed. "It does look like something you'd be into, Haru."

"Excuse me! Three Samezuka-chan Love and Friendship Rondo sandwiches, please!" Nagisa ordered.

"Wait, Nagisa-kun! If you stuff your face now, you won't be able to eat at the swim team's booth!" Rei scolded.

Makoto turned to Airi and Haru. "Speaking of which, what kind of booth did they have planned?"

"Who knows? When I asked Rin-" Haru explained that Rin gave him a deadly 'Do not come' look.

"Gou-san said she went last year, but-"

Everyone recalled Gou's reaction. She mentioned it was incredible while having a happy expression.

"I can't believe Kou went to their booth without me." Airi crossed her arms over her chest.

"Huh? Did you two go together last year?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah but..."

~Last Year's Festival~

"Damn it...why do I have to wear this..." Rin complained.

"Matsuoka...senpai..." Nitori stared at Rin intently, making Rin uncomfortable.


Nitori pulls out his phone. "Can I take a picture?"

Rin immediately lunges towards him and grabs his head, crushing it.

"'re crushing my head...Senpai, are you a tsundere maid?!"

Mikoshiba joins the conversation. "Oh, come to think of it...I spotted Kirishima-san and Gou-kun earlier."

Rin froze. "HUHHHH?! I didn't tell them about the festival!"

'I can't let them see me like this...especially not Airi...' Rin thought.

"Senpai, senpai. Look." Nitori pointed towards the poster on the wall.

Rin got annoyed. "What, Nitori? What's there to look at about the festival poster?".

"That poster advertising our school festival was distributed throughout the whole town." Nitori informed him.

"Eh?!...You..." Rin said, aggravated.

Nitori tilted his head. "Senpai? Are you okay?"

"SHUT UP!" Rin yelled as he crushed Nitoris head once again.

"Ow ow ow ow."

"Oh, speak of the devil! There's Gou-kun now!" Mikoshiba mentioned.

On queue, Gou enters the room.


Rin looked away, embarrassed. "Geh..."

Gou runs up to him. "Me and Airi-senpai came to v- Onii-chan...your outfit..."

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