43- Happy Married Life

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5000 word chapter 😍 I try abi I no try?


After the men left, I finally had a moment to catch my breath. It was a brief reprieve before the whirlwind of preparations for the evening's final event began. I knew what lay ahead: the grand dinner reception, it would be less intimate than the kamu for sure.

I dreaded the prospect of facing such a large crowd. This wasn't the kind of wedding I had dreamed of - it was a political affair, filled with guests whose motives were often hidden beneath layers of polite conversation and false smiles. Despite our efforts to limit the guest list, it still ballooned to a staggering 500 people.

As I prepared to navigate through the sea of faces, each one potentially holding the key to our future alliances or betrayals, I couldn't shake the feeling of apprehension. But I straightened my posture and steeled myself for the evening ahead. This was the role I had chosen, and I would face it with dignity and grace, even if it meant stepping into a world I despised.

Final touches were made to my headscarf and makeup, I was feeling a little bit dizzy and tired. When we all finished dressing up the rush began, aunties began to call asking if we were on our way. My friends answered all the calls and tried to make sure I wasn't stressed, we took enough portraits and headed out.

Outside, a convoy of sleek black G wagons awaited us, the groomsmen and bridesmaids gathered around, their laughter and chatter filling the air with an infectious energy. There was a brown G wagon in the middle with Muhammad sat in the front seat.

"Ah, is our groom taking the wheel?" Lulu quipped as she noticed him, her tone laced with amusement as she guided me toward the car, holding onto my dress.

"It's his new wheels. He insisted on driving himself," Fareed remarked with a roll of his eyes, eliciting laughter from Lulu and me.

Ever the gentleman, Fareed opened the car door for me, while Lulu carefully adjusted the tail of my dress as I settled into the seat. "You look stunning," Muhammad remarked warmly.

"Thank you. You clean up nicely too," I replied, a small smile playing on my lips.

"Say MashaAllah."

"MashaAllah, Mom," Muhammad replied, his tone affectionate yet slightly exasperated.

I chuckled at our banter as the car hummed to life and we left for the venue. Surprisingly, the rest of the ride was filled with light-hearted small talk, a welcome distraction from the weight of the evening ahead.

I took Muhammad's hand and together we made our entrance, the strains of John Legend's "You Move, I Move" filling the air. With each step, we moved in perfect harmony, our bodies swaying to the music as if choreographed by fate itself. The hall was a vision of beauty, adorned with cascading flowers and elegant drapery. The VIP tables near the dance floor gleamed with sophistication, their occupants chatting animatedly as they awaited our arrival.

This was not just a celebration of love, but a carefully orchestrated display of power and influence.

As we made our way through the sea of guests, greeting VIPs at their tables near the dance floor, I forced a smile and engaged in polite conversation, all the while acutely aware of the scrutiny surrounding us.

As the dinner party unfolded, the MC guided us through a whirlwind of dances with different groups of guests. The music pulsed around us, carrying the rhythm of the evening as we moved in sync with our friends and family.

Speeches were given by our siblings and closest friends, each one filled with love and laughter. Rabia and Hannan stood together, sharing sweet and funny anecdotes about me. "Whoever has found Aisha has truly found a treasure," Rabia began, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "She is not just a blessing, but a beacon of light in our lives. Patient and understanding, kind and generous, Aisha embodies the very essence of grace and compassion."

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