Chapter 7

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I was getting ready for Coronation with Harry who had a sullen expression. I turn towards him and furrow my eyebrows. He was just staring at a wall with a sad expression and liner in his hand. He was wearing a classic suit with no tie and the top couple buttons undid. His jacket had a hook on the back. His hook was on his belt loop and his hat on his head. I sigh and walk over to him, taking the eyeliner and sitting him down on our bed.

"Tell me what's bothering you my love," I say as I start his liner. Harry closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"I don't know if I want the VKs to do their plan. We both know they will fail and then we'll get sent back. Trust me, I hate it here, but I want to sail with you and my father and your father. I don't want to be stuck in one place anymore. Here or the Isle," he says sadly and I sigh.

"It's hard. Trust me, I know. But we need them to succeed. The royals will never take down the barrier. They are too scared. Even if it's for the sake of kids who never did anything. We need to let this play out. And if they don't succeed, then I would rather be on the Isle with my overbearing mother than in royal land," I rant and finish his eyeliner. He opens his eyes and I look into them for a long while. After a bit I leaned down and gave him a soft kiss. When I pulled away I smiled softly. "I go wherever you go."

"I love you," he says with a giddy smile and my smile widens.

"I love you baby," I say back and smudge his liner slightly making him laugh. He pulls me into a hug and we hold each other tightly for a bit. When we let go I kiss him on the forehead and he kisses my cheek. He gets up and walks over to the desk, grabbing my red lipstick and pushing me to sit on the bed. I smirk as he straddles me, putting the lipstick on my upturned lips. He had a cheeky smile and my smirk widens. When he finishes I take the lipstick and start to put it on him. He tilts his head and I wink. When I finish I start to kiss him all over his face and neck, leaving lipstick marks as he giggles. When I finish he starts to kiss me all over my face and neck, leaving lipstick marks as well. When he pulls away and stands up, I pull him down for a long kiss. After we both pull away I kiss his forehead and stand up. I hold out my arm and he takes it with a large smile. He places my hat on my head and I laugh. When we exit the room all of the VKs except for Mal are waiting. I groan and Harry pinches the bridge of his nose.

"What the actual fuck," Harry mumbles and I sigh.

"What are you lot doing here? Again," I ask with clear annoyance in my tone. Jay rolls his eyes and Evie smiles.

"Would you two like to walk with us," Evie asks and I roll my eyes.

"Do we have a choice," I ask and she shakes her head quickly. I sigh and we follow them in silence. I wrap my arm around his waist and he wraps his around mine. We follow the three all the way to the ball room. Before we can walk in a swarm of people surround us with cameras and microphones. Harry shrinks back and I glare at them all, my grip on him tightening.

"Scram," I shout and they move out of our way. Evie poses for a moment before following us. We walked inside and all eyes were on us. I ignored them and walked up to the balcony with Harry and the VKs. Once we arrived, I leaned against the railing and Harry did as well. Music started soon after and the doors opened, revealing Ben standing with one arm behind his back and one in front of him. He slowly makes his way forward, knights bowing as he passes. He finally reaches FG, Queen Belle, and King Beast after what seems like forever. He reaches them and bows. FG has someone take the glass cover off of the wand and grabs it with a proud smile. A smirk makes its way onto my face and I lean down to Harrys ear.

"She better not fuck this up," I whisper and Harry nods in agreement. 

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign," Fg asks while tapping Bens shoulders with the wand.

Two Evils ~ Harry HookWhere stories live. Discover now