part one

18 2 1

Errors pov
In the multi-verse everyone of the sans was sorted into one two groups, the bad sans or the star sans in which made them enemies and often had lots of fights. I never really fell into a specific side though I worked with the bad sans being the destroyer of aus which I never even liked doing in the first place but had to do it as it was my job. Unfortunately today nightmare didn't seem to be in a good mood so I just stayed in the anti-void alone with my depressing thoughts. I just sighed quietly to myself as I stared into the white void as I laid on my back. After awhile of silently staring into the void full of boredom I looked up as I heard a thud of someone falling. "D@mπ j¥st my luCk" I mumbled to myself as I saw it was ink. I didn't feel like socializing right now so I just got up and went to outer tale for now. Though someone else was already there I could see their figure in the distance though I wasn't close enough to see who it was so I moved closer to find out. Once I got close enough to see them I realized it was dream the guardian of positivity who was standing on the ledge of the cliff not exactly so positive looking. And of course being a part of the bad sans I wasn't heartless, knowing he was planning to jump I quickly yanked him back by his wrist so he couldn't. "N0w wh@t th3 h3lL w@$ tH@t?!" I said to dream knowing I literally just had to yank him back so he wouldn't kill himself I was rather disturbed? No shocked? No more like confused I guess like why was the guardian of positivity of all people doing that. Dream seemed shocked and stayed silent seemingly stuck in his thoughts for the moment, as much as if prefer he'd explain now I knew it best not to push him and stayed silent for now and waited for him to be ready.

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