2. Robbery

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Holaa guys  !!

Sorry for the late update🥺
Enjoy the chapter 🌸🤝

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*Shot* *Shot* *Shot*

The sound of three gunshots echoed in a dark gloomy room. The air started feeling heavy and stagnant, as if carrying the weight of an approaching horror and the shadows dance like silent spectators against the walls, cloaking the room in an eerie, unsettling atmosphere.

As the door creaks open, a sliver of dim light from the hallway spills into the darkness of the room. With each step, the floorboards groan beneath their weight, echoing through the eerie silence.

"What the fuck Ansh? ", shouted the visitor on top of his lungs.

"Hisss, don't shout." , a familiar voice stated.

"Why did you kill them? "

"They were our assets, you bloody fool. " He yelled further.

"You better don't raise your voice again or I'll be emptying every single bullet of this pistol in your tiny shit head." Shreyansh's cold, intimidating voice resonated in the room, sending shivers to everyone around.

The captive sits, bound and helpless, his spirit drained by the relentless monotony of captivity. Bruises marked his skin, testament to past struggles against his confinement.

The chains started rattling with an attempt to escape, which was completely futile.


"Aaahhhh.. "

Another gun shot echoed and the captive groaned in pain, blood oozing out from his left leg.

"I said no sound.", Shreyansh yelled in frustration and in two long strides he was standing next to the captive.

"I gave you enough time to speak, but you didn't. Now if I heard a single word from your mouth, I'll rip off your tongue"

"Clean the mess"

Ordering his men, he left the room with the visitor trailing behind him.

His steps halted at the bar, picking a bottle of whiskey, he gulped it down in one go.

"You owe me an explanation Ansh", said the visitor.

"No, I don't", Shreyansh retorted.

"Yes you do"

"What's your problem Oberoi ?"

"YOU. You are my bloody problem."

"Mind your business."

"Ironically, I m doing the same, though"

"Can you please shut your fucking clap ?"

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