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In the heart of Toledo, Ohio, where the city lights barely pierced the darkness of the night, Taylor Norman stepped into the dimly lit motel room she called home. With her parents absent—her mother away on a business trip and her father locked away in jail—Taylor found herself alone,  She was on the phone with her best friend, Charise Langtine.

"Today was so weird!" Taylor told her friend, twirling her blonde hair. "I don't get some people sometimes."

"Ok! So, like this lady walked in today and just by looking at her I could already tell that she looked like a crazy person. She walked up to the counter to ask where the sport shoes were and I told her 'You know, they were near the back!'" Taylor laughed. "Yeah! Just like that! Anways, I tell her they're near the back and she just I keep!-"

Gone, she was gone. Out of nowhere. Her phone fell to the floor.

"Haha! Tay, did you just drop your phone?"

No answer.

"Taylor? Taylor? Hello?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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