Chapter 4 - Noah

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I was rarely ever impressed. When you had money, there was nothing out of reach. Yet, Henry Callahan's office was something out of the books. Marble floors gleamed underfoot, and the air was thick with the scent of money and privilege. The walls were adorned with pictures of London's landmarks, a reminder of the city's beauty and the power Callahan held over it.Rich mahogany furnishings accented by plush velvet upholstery filled the space—the whole nine yards. Callahan's desk, a fortress of paperwork and polished oak, loomed large in the centre of the room, a symbol of his control over the city's affairs.

It wasn't just the trappings of wealth that caught my eye. The shelves lined with leather-bound books and ancient artefacts spoke volumes about Callahan's taste and intellect. A well-stocked bar in the corner hinted at his penchant for entertaining, though I doubt he'd ever invite the likes of me to share a drink.

I stared at the clock above the door. It was 9:14 am, Henry would walk in the next minute. If circumstances were different, I would have enjoyed his company. I appreciated men of order and discipline.

At exactly 9:15 am there was a jingling of keys, no later Henry walked in, he had a briefcase in one hand, the keys and a piece of paper in the other, clearly engrossed in whatever information was on it.

He had already closed the door when he looked up from the piece of paper.

If he was shocked to see me in his seat or the gun I had pointed at him, he didn't let it show.

"Good Morning, Mr. Callahan." I said as I pointed at the seat in front of me with a gun.

"You could always have booked an appointment with my secretary, Mr. Richardson." Henry remarked as he sat at the seat across from me, placing the items in his hand on the table upfront before leaning back.

I frowned, I might be holding the gun but the man was still in control.

"Things are faster this way."

Henry raised his eyebrows and then stared at the gun.

"Perhaps we can continue this conversation after you have put that gun away."

A smile tugged my lips as I compiled, placing the gun on the table, making sure to point the barrel at him regardless.

Henry's expression remained unreadable as he stared at me to continue.

"I have been made aware of your upcoming appointment as the Minister of Transportation and would love to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."

Henry stared at Noah giving a fleeting glance at the gun.

"No." The word was spoken with surety yet I was never one to back down from a challenge.

There was no question of how this meeting was going to end. I will get what I want.

How I got there was the real question and since I felt generous I decided to coax Henry towards the easy way out.

"No? You haven't even heard what I have to say."

"I have seen enough. I know about your arrangements with other men in the office, Mr. Richardson. I will not go to business with a man who sits in my chair, pointing a gun at me."

This didn't come as a shock, I already knew this was coming. Luckily, I was prepared.

"I can make you richer than you could ever imagine, Henry. I can provide you with so much. I am sure your nights have been rather lonely since your wife died."

I could see his eyes harden, his face flush with anger.

"Thank you for the kind offer, Mr.Richardson. I shall pass, if you don't mind I would like to get back to my work now."

The hard way it was, then.

"Of course you would." I lean forward and interlock my fingers before smiling,

"I would suggest you let me do mine. I wouldn't want anything to happen to your daughter."

Henry was smart to show no reaction but I had been doing so long, I already noticed how his eye slightly twitched.

"My daughter is in Switzerland, Mr.Richardson."

My smile broadened.

"Oh, but she isn't. I know she came back yesterday. I know she is alone, unattended at home - a beautiful place by the way. I have been looking to acquire property near Richmond for quite a while now. I also know that her room faces the back garden of your house just as I know that there is no one guarding her."

Henry seemed to grow pale as the words left my mouth. Satisfaction settled inside me. I witnessed the exact moment Henry admitted defeat.

"What do you want?"

"Exactly what I had with the previous Minister of Transportation, a mutually beneficial arrangement. You will keep the authorities away from my operations and will timely renew our yearly export licence. In exchange I will provide you monetary compensation."

Henry stared blankly at me.

"I can always step back from the position."

I laughed.

"Of course you could! But then, I would have to kill you and your pretty daughter."

Henry stared wide eyed at the mention of me offing his little princess.

"What you are asking me to do, people will ask questions!" Henry said desperately.

I wave dismissively.

"That's only natural. I'll be keeping a close eye and will deal with it myself. You just have to keep your head down and do what I tell you to."

I could see how it was killing him to say yes but nonetheless he nodded.

"Excellent!" I took the piece of paper beside me and slid it towards him with a piece of paper.

"Just sign this and you can get back to work. I am sure you have big things to accomplish today."

Henry reached for his reading glasses from the inside of his coat pocket and put them on. His hand shook as he took the piece of paper beginning to read. I watched as his eyes moved horizontally from left to right skimming at the words when they stopped abruptly.

He reads again but his eyes keep stopping at the same point. I knew exactly where.

"Please. I will do as you say, don't take my daughter away." Henry coraked.

"If only you had been more willing in the beginning, things could have been different, Henry. This arrangement will only be momentarily, once I see you have taken your role seriously and our exports are running smoothly, I will return her to you. The condition in which she is returned, however, entirely depends on your performance."

Henry shakes his head, I knew he would lose it eventually.

"Please. Please! I am begging you. I promise I will do exactly as you say."

I sigh irritated.

"Then you have nothing to lose. You already sent her away for six years. What is one more?"

Henry opened his mouth to beg but I had already lost my patience. I grabbed the gun and shot it an inch away from his head.

The best part about rich people's offices is soundproofed rooms.

Henry jumped in his seat, staring wide eyed.

"Sign the document or the next bullet will be in your daughter's head, Henry. Since you know enough of me, you know I don't bluff."

In the next minute the contract was signed and an agreement was made of him picking up his daughter later that night.

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