Chapter One: Midnight Shadows

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Midnight. The city lay silent under a blanket of darkness, its quiet streets illuminated only by the moon's pale light. Shadows darted and blades glimmered, casting eerie reflections off the stone walls.

“Alpha, Beta, circle around,” a commanding voice instructed, breaking the silence.

“Roger that!” Beta responded, her tone sharp and ready.

“Good,” the voice affirmed, a hint of satisfaction in its undertone.

“Let’s finish them off for good,” Alpha added, her voice steely with resolve.

“Roger that,” Beta echoed once more, determination lining her words.

Suddenly, a billow of smoke enveloped them. “No way this is happening!” Alpha exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise. “A smoke bomb?”

“They’re cunning and more intelligent this time,” Beta observed, frustration lacing her voice. “That’s interesting.”

“Give me some entertainment,” the commanding voice, unmistakably Lord Shadow, spoke with a dark amusement. His presence loomed over the battlefield, a beacon of enigmatic power.

Amidst the chaos, Alpha’s eyes narrowed. “Did he run away?” she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion. “But why?”

“Is it because he understood the difference in our power?” Beta speculated, a hint of disbelief creeping into her tone.

“I can’t believe it,” Alpha muttered, shaking her head.

“I’m sorry, Lord Shadow,” Beta added, lowering her gaze in apology.

“It’s fine,” Lord Shadow replied, dismissing her concerns with a wave of his hand. “Besides, he did drop something interesting.”

“Huh?” Beta’s eyes lit up with curiosity.

“Is that... the Tears of Diablos?” Alpha gasped, staring at the shimmering vial in Lord Shadow’s hand. “They’re still brimming with power, aren’t they?”

“Life shines brightly because it has an end. You fools who can’t grasp the aesthetics of transience,” Lord Shadow mused, his voice carrying a note of philosophical detachment.

“So cool…” Beta whispered, awe evident in her eyes.

“We can’t just leave them here. Let’s take them and—” Alpha started, but was interrupted by a loud *BONG!* *BONG!*.

“Huh!?” Beta exclaimed, her eyes widening at the sight before them.

“What is that creature?!” Alpha demanded, staring in disbelief at the giant frog standing before them.

“None of the information we gathered from the Diablos cult mentioned this… monster,” Beta stammered, her voice tinged with confusion.

“…Fufu,” Lord Shadow chuckled softly.

“Lord Shadow, do you know something?” Alpha asked, her voice laced with hope.

“No, of course, Lord Shadow would know,” Beta added, her voice reverent.

(But I have no idea…) Lord Shadow thought, his expression unreadable.

*BONG!* *BONG!* The frog’s enormous tongue lashed out, snaring Alpha.

“Alpha!” Beta screamed as the giant frog gulped her down with a sickening *NUM! NUM!*.

*BONG!* *BONG!* The creature's movements were swift and relentless, dragging Beta into its maw despite her struggles.

“Stopp!!” Beta’s scream echoed as the frog devoured her, the horrifying *NUM! NUM!* reverberating through the night.

“That’s… interesting,” Lord Shadow murmured, a strange fascination gleaming in his eyes. (I wonder what it’s like to be swallowed? Will a snake come out?) His curiosity was morbid, yet genuine.

*BONG!* *NUM! NUM!* The monstrous frog vanished into the darkness, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.


Beta blinked groggily. “Beta-san, how long are you gonna stay asleep?” a voice prodded.

“Huh?” she mumbled, her vision clearing. “Oh, Alpha-sama… I think we’ve been swallowed by a giant frog…”

“Where on earth are we?” Alpha asked, her voice filled with bewilderment.

“Could it be the Diablos’ plan to transfer us here?” Beta wondered aloud.

“Maybe…” Alpha’s tone was uncertain. “Where is Lord Shadow?”

“He was already gone when you woke up,” Beta replied, her voice tinged with concern. “We need to find him.”

“Indeed,” Alpha agreed, determination seeping back into her voice. “First, we need to gather information.”

“Wait, I see someone,” Beta said, pointing towards a figure in the distance.

Alpha, moving with lightning speed, approached the figure. “Woah-woah-woah-woah!” the person yelped, startled by Alpha’s sudden appearance.

“Do you live here? Identify yourself,” Alpha demanded, her tone sharp.

“Huh? That’s kind of rude, isn’t it? You should be the one introducing yourself first!” Aqua retorted, her voice filled with indignation.

“Hey, hey! You’re gonna get me in trouble!” Kazuma added, stepping forward with a wary look.

“Sorry, we’re looking for someone dressed in black like us,” Alpha explained, her tone softening slightly.

“Nope! I don’t know! Bye now! This fanfiction is over! This is where the crossover ends! The end!” Kazuma declared, waving his hands dismissively.

“Kazuma, Kazuma!” Aqua called out.

“Yes, I’m Kazuma,” he sighed, exasperation coloring his voice.

“You can’t miss out on these cool people!” Megumin said excitedly, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

“Shut up! Just because they look cool doesn’t mean they’ll fool me!” Kazuma snapped.

“They seem to be in trouble, though,” Yunyun observed, her voice filled with concern.

“Why should I care?” Kazuma retorted.

“We’re visiting the Crimson Demon Village right now. Why don’t you guys join us?” Darkness suggested, her voice warm and inviting.

“Not going,” Kazuma muttered stubbornly.

“This is an encounter by fate itself! The evil demons are revived!” Aqua exclaimed dramatically.

“Demons?” Alpha’s voice turned serious, her eyes narrowing.

“Huh?” Aqua blinked in confusion.

“What the hell…” Kazuma muttered under his breath.

“So you guys do know something…” Beta said, her tone accusatory.

“If it’s the Diablos cult, then we can’t ignore it,” Alpha stated firmly.

“No, she’s delusional. Please don’t take anything she says seriously,” Kazuma interjected, shaking his head.

“…” Beta and Alpha exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable.

Kazuma, in his mind, thought, (What’s with the scary face…?)

~Blissings to this eminence in shadow!~(Novel Version)  (Completed!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon