Chapter Four: A Night of Shadows and Secrets

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Beta’s eyes gleamed with resolve as she turned to Kazuma and the others. “Don’t worry, guys. We’ll listen to him for a minute, but in the meantime, you can ask around.”

Megumin’s expression softened, though her concern remained. “Okay, but please be careful!”

Kazuma smirked. “Let’s go, crazy explosion girl.”

Megumin’s face reddened with indignation. “Ah!? What did you call me?!”

As Kazuma, Megumin, and the others dispersed to gather information, Alpha and Beta relished their long-awaited reunion with Cid.

“I’m so glad you’re safe, my lord!” Beta exclaimed, her voice filled with relief. “I knew you would come to this world as well!”

Cid nodded, maintaining a calm demeanor. “Yup. I woke up here too. But I figured you both could handle things, so I went ahead alone.”

Alpha’s brow furrowed in concern. “But why? We could have explored this world much better together.”

“There’s a reason,” Cid replied enigmatically.

“A reason?” Alpha pressed, her curiosity piqued.

Beta interjected, her voice steady. “So the Diablos cult is in this world as well?”

Cid nodded, his expression turning serious. “Yes, and the Axis cult is just a victim in this. That’s why we need to stop the Diablos cult behind it.”

Beta’s eyes widened in realization. “Wait! I remember the Axis people planning an event tonight. Could it be related to that?”

Cid pondered, trying to align his narrative with the unfolding situation. *(I joined the ritual, but it’s a new religion, right? How can I act as the most powerful person behind the scenes?)*

“It seems you’ve made some friends,” Cid said, nodding towards the others. “But it’s better if we operate behind the scenes. Keep our relationship secret until the ceremony.”

Beta’s eyes shone with understanding. “Understood, my lord.”

“I’ll see you tonight,” Cid said, turning to leave.

As Cid walked away, Kazuma noticed Beta and Alpha talking. “You guys are still talking?”

Alpha and Beta turned simultaneously. “Kazuma?”

Kazuma crossed his arms, his expression skeptical. “If you don’t want to be part of this, just say so.”

*(The other guy who came to them, he was wearing a school uniform, right? Could he be from another world too?)* Kazuma thought, piecing together the clues.

Yunyun approached hesitantly. “I’m sorry, guys. We asked around but found no information about where Shadow might be.”

Beta smiled warmly. “That’s fine. You’ve done well.”

Yunyun’s face lit up with surprise and gratitude. “Th-thank you!”

Alpha’s eyes narrowed with purpose. “I was told there’s a ceremony tonight. I’m sure something will happen.”


That night, a somber yet expectant mood hung over the gathering at the Axis cult’s meeting place. The moon cast an eerie glow, illuminating the faithful and the curious alike.

Aqua, standing at the forefront, clapped her hands together. “Well then! Let’s go! If you’re worried about something in the present, just let yourself be swept away by the easiest option. Live happily!”

~Blissings to this eminence in shadow!~(Novel Version)  (Completed!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora