Chapter 10

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Once, there was a girl who vowed she would save the world, but she forgot herself.

I can do this. I have to.

Walking trough the arena is like walking trough hell, each step more uncertain than the other. I left the river-blood long ago, thinking that the woods are a safer or even a better option, but I was wrong.

My costume was now like an extra weight,the padded fur like an oven. But I coulnd't trust anything to take it off, remebering that even a small bug could kill me here, in the land of the Elves.My life took a 180° turn in just one week-from an assassin to a prisoner, to a sacrifice for the Elves, to a player in some games I barely knew about.

I accepted to play only for the military suport I was promised, and maybe for the feeling I always have around danger. It's just something in me that I can't reject, the joy of pouring blood and agony screams. Of course, when it's not mine.

Right, left, right, left, right, left. Again.

Walking trough this forest was like going against the wind, the weird branches scratching my body and sharp stones cutting my boots. I needed food and also water, but I suppose I coulnd't eat the monsters-from where the screams are coming.

Sudenly, my feet hit something hard and white... A bone?

I bend and picked the misterious object. It was sharp and the size of my pinky finger,small notches forming an unknown alphabet. I turned it over. The same writings and texture, but somehow different. "3 seconds to run.", a honeyed voice made me jump.

A strong hand grabed my wrist and slammed my face against a tree. I felt blood flowing down my face and something cold at my waist."I told you to run.", the same voice whispered in my ear.

Definitely a male, by his deep voice and flirty touches. Maybe a 6'2 and strong hands. "Now,why is a little mortal slut doing here?". I felt his soft lips sucking my neck, curious fingers wandering my body. "I was sent by The Elf King of the Night, so I sugest you to take your filthy hands off my body."

His voice thone became smoky, his body pressing harder against mine. "So you just expect me to run, little slut? You are nothing more here than a prey for the males. Nothing. More."

My teeth clenched at his words, old memories rushing trough my mind.

"I will break your nose if you don't get of me!", I hissed.

He turned me, allowing a better view of my rapper. They all had that shade of hair:dark between black and Brown, the same thick eyelashes and piercing blue eyes. I was surprised the firts time when I found out how the eyes reflect the emotions you fell, the intentions you eager to pursue. And his? It was lust and understatment.

"Do it. Every single ruler of those lands watches right now, let them see how dangerous you are." Irony. Always irony.

My already clenched fist made contact with his nose. Typical, man always assume that we're weak. And for him,it was enough just one fucking hit." Oww, you pathetic bitch! ", He scremed from the ground." Weird, you call me pathetic, but I'm not the one on the floor, am I?" With the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of something shining, like a bird, following our every move and word. That's how they follow us.

A big mistake was made in that moment:the first rule I learned from my master was to never let my guard down, always have my prey in my sight. Sadly, I didn't listened this time. A strong hit in my kidneys left me without any air, my vision slightly bluring at the edges. I hit my back against the tree, seeing a shape moving towards me. "Just fucking die!"

I shock my head and fell on my face on the stones, a leg pressed on by back."Still weak,Aiden was a foll to waste his chance at winning with you." The little part of my brain which still worked wondered why Aiden would win;also,I noticed that strange bird flying away, like nor my death was worth it for the rulers of this freacking land. Well, shit.

" Let me see your best, pretty boy.",I said wheezy. The pressure on by back dissapeared, a hand grabbing my hair. The bird was back. The male lips began sucking my neck, with one hand pressed against my thights. "Before you die, I wanna fuck you.". His hand moved even higher, a moan escaping my lips. "You like this, mortal? Maybe I will carry you with me and use you as my personal toy. I would like to see how loud you can scream my name."

I frooze, my breath suddenly stopping, every tense disappearing I held in my body-gone-allowing his hands to touch me even more."On your knees, girl!", He forced me. He gripped my hair even thighter,taking my hand and he touched himself with it. I hated the way he felt, the guilt my heart hugges."I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.", I said.

"Well, don't we have a little poet here, ay?". I hit him. Hard, exactly where he held my hand against my will. "I hope you didn't plan having children... Or living."

I stand on my feet and pick up the knife he had at his side, snapping it into his neck. Warm, deep red blood immediately covered my left side, and then... Silence.

His dead, motionless corpse lied before my eyes, his blood on my hands. I killed an elf. I killed an elf. I killed an... I killed a murderous.

My glance bounced to the bird I saw earlier, only to realise that it wasn't a real bird. A pale blue sphere of pure magic levitated less then 5 metres of me, less then 5 metres of that fucking male. I was about to be rapped, but whoever watches me trough that thing, wouldn't have cared. Most probably they would've enjoyed it.

I stare at that sphere and picked a sharp stone next to my leg. And I aimed at it.

The sphere exploded with a whistle;it was Wind Elves magic, definitely. I rememebered to take some of the weapons the male carried,they would keep me safe-at least untill I figure it out how to use the necklace Aiden gave me. A pocket knife, a few pieces of bread and cheese, and exactly 14 matches. Not much, but it will do.

And after it, I did what I did my whole life-I walked away and never looked back.

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