9. Unexpected visit

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After returning to the dorm, Logan found only Jake sitting in the living room on the couch, sipping steaming tea from a mug. Hearing footsteps, he turned, casting a careful gaze at the boy leaning against the nearby wall.

"Where have you been all day?" Logan had left in the morning with his backpack for school, yet hadn't shown up at all.

"I had important matters to attend to," he commented softly, unwilling to reveal more. Blonde understood and didn't press further, but wondered what could be so important for him to skip the math test, which meant a lot.

"You were right," he said after a moment of silence.

"Right about what?" Jake asked, not understanding his companion's reference. He stared at the pensive face of the black-haired boy, who seemed to be speaking to himself.

"About Alexa," he replied quietly, then left, leaving the boy who pondered Black's previous statement for a while. Eventually, he realized it referred to their conversation from a few days ago.

"Important matters to attend to, huh?" Jake muttered under his breath, shaking his head with amusement and lifting the corner of his mouth.


Alex entered the crowded cafeteria, where chaos and noise reigned. She was glad that George had the day off and could stay home with Will because she needed to catch up on schoolwork, which was getting harder for her. She looked around, holding a tray of food in her hands. Finally spotting the table where everyone was already seated except for her, she stood next to it after a few seconds, taking a seat between Jake and Katie. She greeted them with a quick "hi" and started eating the salad on her plate. It seemed somewhat edible, which was rare in this school, so she immediately started eating.

"I didn't know you were a wizard," she suddenly broke the prevailing silence, directing the words at Logan. Immediately after that, he and the rest of his friends looked at her with horror. Chris even spat out a mouthful of water on Mike's face, who in turn kicked him under the table. There was a moment of temporary silence, and the boys' reactions surprised the brunette so much that she started analyzing everything. "Will told me about your magical tricks yesterday," she clarified, and it seemed like they all breathed a sigh of relief. Logan, however, looked at his roommates, knowing that a long, stormy conversation awaited them later.

The rest of the break passed in a rather tense atmosphere. Although everyone was talking, some remained visibly stressed by the presence of others. Katie questioned the dark-haired boy about his tricks, but he changed the subject every time, feeling the piercing gazes of his friends.

The boys' remaining lessons passed relatively quickly, considering they didn't talk much. Young Black tried to talk to them about what they had heard, but he couldn't say much in the presence of others, and they were rarely alone. So they had to wait for that conversation until they got back.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Mike yelled as soon as they closed the apartment door. "What the hell were you thinking?! Do you know what danger you've put us in?!" Allen was furious. His friend never cared about the consequences, and those related to revealing a secret guarded for hundreds of years could be unpleasant. He looked at him with a slight disappointment in his eyes. They started a new life, and he couldn't understand how he could act so thoughtlessly. He knew what he was getting into; they all did.

"It's just a kid. No one will believe him," he explained, but in vain.

He saw their gaze directed at him. Angry and helpless. And he knew right away that this time he had really screwed up. But why were they so angry with him? After all, Alexa herself took it as mere tricks, nothing more. Even if he told her straight to her face that he was a wizard, she would laugh at him. There was no chance she would believe in something like that. Besides, they themselves used magic every day, disregarding any established rules, but of course, they started to worry about it only when he messed up.

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