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"If you want the destruction of others, you consent to your own destruction"

A key day for all of Azuma Island. That rainy, gloomy afternoon, emperor Gustav Prime, ruler of the Prime Empire, came with a request to king Leopold the Invincible, leader of Hakachi country. This request was to change the fate of the entire fantastic and medieval World of Four Directions forever. The young Gustav arrived at the capital of the Hakachi country, Hokori located in the eastern part of the country, in his gilded carriage pulled by six horses with his twelve guards. Despite the humid weather, the city was bustling with life. Families walked, children danced in the streets, merchants sold their goods and Hakachi soldiers standing at attention were making way for the emperor when they saw him coming. There were huge turquoise fireworks shooting in the sky, making it look like it was on fire. This huge civilization was surrounded by white marble walls, and around it was the sea and rocky beaches. All buildings were in shades of white, they were perfectly visible against the gray sky. In the centre of the city there was a large trapezoidal fortress with four towers that targeted in every direction of the world. It was here that king Leopold the Invincible held office. The emperor headed towards this palace, admiring the wonderful architecture of this city. Residents wondered what could be the reason for this sudden visit. When the carriage approached this marble fortress, Gustav got out of it with his guards and they began to climb in formation the stairs that led to the entrance to the palace. The young emperor was dressed in his burgundy robes that stretched down the stairs. Due to the rain, he was hooded, so none of the residents who were looking were able to see his face. The guards who followed him wore black masks with red eyepieces and black robes that were much shorter than the emperor's. Gustav was met by Argil, a loyal man of the king and royal adviser on international affairs, who came to greet the young ruler.
- Welcome to Hokori, Your Imperial Highness! - the king's blond advisor said enthusiastically.
- Hello Argil! Good to see you! - the emperor said, then walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. - The last time I was here was when I was just a prince! This is my first time here as emperor! - he added, laughing.
- Indeed. Why do we have the pleasure of hosting Your Imperial Highness? - Argil asked curiously.
- I have an important request to ask Leopold. I won't take up much of your time.
- The king is now on his balcony in the east tower, eating his meal. Maybe Your Imperial Highness will wait for him inside the palace!
- Actually, I'd like to talk to him now. - Gustav said impatiently.
- Oh, of course - Argil said annoyed because he didn't like the young emperor's behavior, but he couldn't refuse his orders.
Upon hearing this, the emperor removed his hood, revealing his dark hair and face, he was ready to move forward. Young Prime was not a patient man, which was a normal thing in his court, so he concluded that everything he wanted he should get. Despite this, he managed to take the throne at the young age of twenty-four years after the death of his father Frederick Prime III thanks to his will and strength because many conspirators wanted to take this honor from him through various attacks so he slaughtered every one of them. After entering the fortress the royal advisor led Gustav and his guards through the royal art corridor where one could see various paintings, landscapes and even gold or copper sculptures. The king was passionate about art and could stay in this room for hours because he felt safe here. After they turned right, emperor saw a dark, symmetrical granite door. They stopped in front of them.
- It's here - Argil said.
- Naturally - Gustav replied, grabbing the silver door handle.
Argil stopped him by holding the door closed.
- It is advisable for your Imperial Highness not to bring your guards into this room - he advised.
- Understood - Gustav nodded. - Stay here guys - he added.
The guards obeyed and the emperor with Argil entered the room overlooking the city. The room was white from the inside, on the left wall there was a portrait of the sea, it was so realistic that it gave the impression that the waves were actually moving on it. In the middle there was one man sitting at a huge dark and round granite table. It was king Leopold the Invincible. He was eating his dinner, which was baked chicken with carrots and peas, and he drank it with red wine. The monarch was a tall man dressed in dark gray robes, and despite his passion for food, he was a well-built middle-aged man. He was a calm man who cared about his people, which proved the behavior of the capital's citizens who lived in prosperity.
- King, emperor Gustav Prime has arrived! - Argil announced.
Leopold turned his attention away from the food and looked at young Prime.
- Your Imperial Highness arrived earlier. As you can see, I'm not done enjoying my meal yet, but please make yourself at home - the king pointed to the black chair opposite the table.
Gustav sat on a chair under which a red, gilded, woolen carpet was visible.
- Why did you come here? I hope it's not just to explore the Hokori - Leopold laughed. - Although it must be admitted that it is breathtaking - the king pointed with his hand at the skyline of the white city in the rain.
- I take your word for it, but you can't see much in this rain - Gustav replied looking at the city.
- Probably you are right. You should regret not coming here yesterday. It was sunny and the sea was lapping against the walls of our city - Leopold closed his eyes when he said this. - It was like music - he added thoughtfully.
- I have a request for the king - Gustav said this, taking Leopold out of his thoughts.
- State or personal request? - the monarch said, swallowing the carrot.
- Both - the emperor smiled.
There was a moment of silence.
- Argil, please leave for a moment - Leopold ordered.
- As the king wishes - the Leopold's loyal man replied with a bow.
Argil knew that the king had the situation under control and never made stupid decisions, so he followed his orders without hesitation.
Only Gustav and Leopold remained in the room.
- What is that? - the king looked at the young Prime with curiosity.
- I need the support of the Hakachi troops in the war against the Taksa state
- So it's happening.
- My father was afraid to fight for what is ours, so I intend to regain these lands! - Gustav shouted confidently.
- I will not send my soldiers to a war I do not support - the king replied firmly.
- Does the king not support the fight for independence? - the emperor became curious.
- These lands have not been yours for a hundred years. Your father wasn't afraid of anything, he was only able to understand that most of the people there were citizens of Taksa. It's a fact, the whole of Azuma Island knows about it!
- I'll kill them then. This is what war is all about.
- Then Your Imperial Highness knows shit about war - Leopold replied as he continued his meal.
- Do not insult me! - Gustav slammed his hand on the table so that it dented and the plate and fork jumped. - Remember who in this room is the emperor and who is just the king! - young Prime added to his sentence.
- And let Your Imperial Highness remember who rules longer and actually won a war - the king replied still calm. - Your Imperial Highness is lucky that my meal did not fall because then I would have been upset - he added, smiling at Gustav.
They both thought for a moment. Gustav knew that despite the hierarchy, the king was a more experienced than him so he wanted his help because conquering the kingdom of Taksa alone would result in huge losses in people and maybe even in territories. In turn, Leopold wanted to maintain good relations with the neighboring empire, at the same time not involving his troops in war, he wanted peace to reign in his kingdom.
- After all, the king himself invaded the kingdom of Shizuroba eighteen years ago - Prime said.
- It wasn't about the land. Besides, I didn't destroy them because they still have a country where consulate rules who work closely with us - Leopold said bored because he didn't like this topic.
Then the emperor came up with a great idea.
- Then maybe the Shizuroba consulate would agree to send us troops? - Gustav asked, curious about the king's reaction. - All the king has to do is ask - he added, seeing the king's considerations.
- I admit that this is a beneficial solution. I wouldn't have to get involved in your stupid conflict and your empire would have an ally - the king replied after thinking for a while.
The king began to look at his city. It stopped raining.
- Finally something is visible. Beautiful - Leopold continued to look at Hokori.
- So what will it be like, king? - Gustav replied impatiently, looking intensely at the monarch.
- How many soldiers?
- Ten thousand is enough.
- So I will inform consul Kasprov to send half of his troops to the Prime Empire.
- Thank you for your time - Gustav smiled as he left the room.
- May Your Imperial Majesty remember that war has its consequences - the king said a warning to the young emperor.
- I'll keep that at the back of my mind, thanks - Gustav didn't quite understand what Leopold was talking about but he decided to just nod and leave.
Leopold sat alone in the room for a while. A moment later, Argil knocked on the door and entered.
- Is Your Royal Highness alright? - the royal advisor asked with interest.
- Yes, Argil. Thank you - the king replied with a smile. - Now that you have entered here, I have a task for you. Inform consul Kasprov to send half of his troops to the Prime Empire - he added as he finished his dinner.
- My lord, is this war?
- Not ours.
- Isn't Your Highness afraid that the potential terrorists from Shizuroba will take advantage of this opportunity and stage a coup since there will be a reduced military force in the country? After all, criminals like Harold Gusman are still at large - Argil wasn't sure about this idea.
- What can they do? - the king asked rhetorically. - Even against the remnants of Kasprov's army, their chances are dire. If necessary, we will send them military aid to protect freedom in their country - Leopold explained to his advisor.
- So let it be so - with these words, Argil left the room to deliver the royal order to the Shizuroba authorities.
Leopold walked to the balcony and watched as the emperor and his guards left the walls of Hokori in the sunlight thinking about what a beautiful day it is.

Journey to Freedom. Part I: Hell RisingWhere stories live. Discover now