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"You keep telling me to live right
To go to bed before the daylight"

"You keep telling me to live rightTo go to bed before the daylight"

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João Felix POV

We had just finished our training session and the boys and I were in the changing rooms freshening up before going home. Everyone felt down these past days but at the same time everyone felt nervous because this week we would find out if we continue to fight for the Champions League or if we would go home, and then this upcoming weekend we had El Clasico. Xavi had previously told us that Barcelona was running low on funds and that they didn't know if the team was going to hit the ground, so, I think that's why we players felt down.

 Speaking of the devil Xavi appeared in the changing room calling out some names of the players including mine. "Gavi, Lewandowski, Pedri, Raphinha, Frenkie, Araújo, Sergi, Marc, Alejandro, and João Félix could you stay and meet me at the conference room please," Xavi informed us. The rest of the team looked at us as if we had just been called to the principal's office. I finished tying up my shoes and headed to the conference along with the others.

We entered the Conference room and we noticed some men standing like soldiers in black suits all around the conference room. "Xavi what's going on?" Gavi asked a little bit scared. "Yeah, what's going on Xavi you are scaring Gavi here and you know he can't deal with scary stuff," Pedri said as we started to sit around the conference room table. We all sat together because we were too scared of what was going on. "Good to see that the team is here and that I don't have to send someone to get them" A voice filled our ears. She was a beautiful girl; she had this demanding voice and attitude that made everyone look at her. She wore a black long-sleeved top with jeans and black leather boots. The outfit she wore fit her perfectly and showed the curves of her body. If I am being honest, she is more than beautiful honestly, she is a total goddess. Ariana Grande did not lie when she said that God is a Woman.

"Boys this is..." Xavi started his sentence snapping me out of my daydream, but got interrupted by the girl standing in front of the table. "Gabriela Isabella Rodríguez, daughter of the late Santiago Rodríguez, mafia Boss of Los Escorpiones." She said with a smirk on her face. Wait did she just say mafia boss? "Wait as in Los Escorpiones the most powerful mafia in Europe?" Raphinha said surprised. "Yes Raphinha," she said shocking us even more by saying Raphinha's name. "Wait how do you, his name?" I said curious. "Well, do you think that I would ask for all of you if I didn't know who you guys are? I know everything amor" she said giving me a wink. Well, fuck I think my heart just skipped a beat right now. "Well then right into business, shall we? I am here today to offer the club something none of you could turn down." She started her monolog. "I know that the club is running low on funds and I came to fix that and place you where you once were. The club is a euro away from hitting a 2.5-million-euro debt, and to be honest that is horrible. I can pay that debt if you sign my contract which the president and your manager have read by now." Before she continued Araújo pointed out something we all thought about. "What is the catch?" she chuckled and looked behind her towards the 2 men who stood at her right-hand side. "The catch is that you all will be working for me," she said sitting up straight. "How?" I pitched in. "By trafficking my merchandise," she said sighing and a slight doubt in her voice. "Ah hell no," Alejandro said spinning in his chair. "Wait... and how are we going to do that?" Frenkie said rather intruding on the topic. "Well, every time you guys travel to another country you would be taking some of the merchandise. You all have a day off every time you travel right?" she asked as we all nodded in agreement "ok then instead of 1 day off you will be getting 2 days off. On the first day off your day of you will be making the exchange of the merchandise with someone and you all will be given a bag with a payment. After that you will be taking it with yourself, you hide it in the hotel you are staying at and then you continue with your training and you play football as if nothing has happened." She made it sound so easy but there was one problem, the security at the airport. 

"What about the security at the airport?" Ter Stegen asked. "What about it?" she said confused with the question. "I mean wouldn't we be caught by security? Like wouldn't they ask us why we have a great amount of money?" I said having her understand more the question Ter Stegen had asked. "Oh, don't worry about that I have people for that." Of course, she has. "So can I do business with you?" she said standing up again with that demanding voice. We all looked at each other to see if we all agreed but we all doubted this, I mean don't get me wrong this could benefit a lot towards the club, it could save it from hitting the ground, but it was way too dangerous.

"Look I know all of you think this is dangerous, and it is but all of you will be under my wing and you all will be protected by me, and your club will be saved. I will pay off the debt, the club will get its financial profit out of the business and so will you guys." She was going to continue her sentence until one of the men at her right-hand side told her she had gotten a call. "G it's Ancelotti," he said giving her the phone. "OK thanks. Please think about it. I will take this call and I will come back." She said exiting the room, along with the two men behind her. Wait did they say Ancelotti, as in Carlo Ancelotti, manager of Real Madrid? Ok, I swear this is scaring me now.

Gabriela POV

"Hello," I said answering the call. "Hello, Gaby I heard you are paying a visit to Madrid," Ancelotti said. "Yes, I am as soon as I finish some business here in Barcelona I will make my way to Madrid. I haven't heard anything about my merchandise and I was starting to think something is going wrong." I said a bit overwhelmed with everything. "No of course not Gaby nothing is wrong. We have just been occupied with training for the upcoming week. And it is an honor to always have you back home." Ancelotti said before we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

I sighed and looked at the corridor zoning out thinking about what could happen right now when I entered the room again. I shook off the feeling and entered the room once again with no fear. When I entered the room, the atmosphere felt rather more pleased and satisfied than before. I took my place and looked at the men that were sitting down looking at each other and at me. My eyes roamed each of their faces to find something until I landed on one face, in particular, João Felix. His golden-brown eyes were like stars in the night, the way his shirt fit him perfectly, the way his muscles showed when he sat up straight, I swear he looked better in person than in the picture I had. I cleared my throat and looked at the rest of the players. "So have you come to a decision?" I asked scared of the outcome, if they said no then I had to find a way to make them keep silent about the information given to them, if they said yes then I would start to put my plan on the move. "We have," Xavi said with confidence looking at the players once more to make sure they all agreed once more. "We agree," he said "We will work for you," I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding at first. "OK then, just sign the contract and we will start our business as soon as possible," I said opening up the red folder where the contract was. Each of the players stood up as they took turns to sign and after them, Xavi signed and so did I. I motioned to my men that it was time to leave and that they could start to move out. "The debt will be paid at the end of this week, before the El Clasico. Remember everything that has happened here stays here and within you all. If the first exchange goes well then, we will be having a party soon." I said as I started to walk out of the conference room. "Wait before you went to take the phone call a name was mentioned Ancelotti. Is the Real Madrid manager related to you?" João said curiously. "No, he works for me. The Real Madrid Football Club works for me. You all will be getting to know all my business partners don't worry." I said sending him a wink before leaving. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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