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When the trio woke up the falling Tuesday the sun they've been blessed with for the past few days had gone and the harsh rain took over.

Quackity stirred in bed sitting up. He got up got dressed and did his make up with Karls eyeliner and concealer.

"Sapnap Karl wake up" he called impatiently shaking them awake like kid would shake their parents on Christmas morning.

"Q!, what's going on?" Sapnap asked.
"Nothing I'm bored!" Quackity whined.

Sapnap huffed. "Fine I'll get up" sapnap said but the second he put weight on his ankle he felt sharp shooting pains fly up his legs.

He winced loudly. "You alrigh sap?" Quackity asked. "Ah, nope" sapnap said sitting on the floor letting out a louder wince.

Karl flew up in bed. Staring around the room until he saw sapnap on the floor beside the bed.

"What's happening?" He asked. "My ankle hurts" sapnap said holding his leg.

"Can you walk?" Karl asked. "I don't think so" sapnap said his voice cracking slightly.

"Ok well let's put this on first of all" Karl said putting his boot on.

"My mom will know what to do just relax honey" Karl said dashing away quickly running downstairs.

"Mom! sapnaps ankle is bothering him again after he ran on it yesterday could you have a look at it?" He asked her.

"Woah, slow down there but yes I'll be up in a sec" she said.

"Thank you so much" Karl said sprinting back up the stairs.

"My mom's going to look after you ok" he said sitting him down on the bed.

"I'm fine Karl really" sapnap said trying to stand but let out a strained cry sitting back on the bed.

"It's not fine love" Karl said as Karls mom walked in.

"Can I see please sapnap?" She asked. "Mhm-" he said. She took the boot off looking at it with furrowed eyes.

"It's very bruised and swollen" she said. "Stay off it for today and we'll look at again later ok" she said. Sapnap nodded.

"Are you going to school today?" Quackity asked. "Kinda have to we have that maths test today" sapnap said.

"Oh shit I forgot" quackity said. "Quackity" Karl said shaking his head.

"I'm fucked" he muttered. "You'll be fine just show your work" Karl said raising an eyebrow as If he wasn't intirely confident with his answer.

"Come on let's get dressed and get ready to go" sapnap said.

Quackity changed in the bathroom, sapnap in the bedroom and Karl in the other bathroom a bit down the hall.

Sapnap and quackity finished fairly quickly, quackity now sitting on sapnaps lap trying to explain make up to him as he was confused on what Quackity' was doing with his concealer.

Sapnap didn't take in mostly admiring his features and how lips as he talked.

Karl same in wearing a black long sleeved t-shirt. And a short blue denim skirt?.

"Hey kar- woah" sapnap said hobbling across the room to him.

Karl was looking down, his face seemed almost sad or insecure.

"Does it look ok?" He asked. "Oh Karly you look beautiful" quackity said. Karl brushed hands over the sides.

"I don't know, doesn't it make me look too skinny?" He questioned looking in the mirror.

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