10|keeping the baby

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To my scrollstack readers, the upcoming chapters are published. Don't forget to check the blurb. <3

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Hope I am clear? Help each other as well.🫶🏼

Thank you and enjoy the chapter.

Thank you and enjoy the chapter

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As we drove up the long gravel driveway, the mansion came into view. My father was in the passenger seat, silent as usual, his gaze fixed on the house. The workers were already out front, waiting to greet us as we rolled to a stop. The driver might have informed them. We were on our way back home from Arhaan's place. We could have reached earlier if Saira would not have been crying and throwing up because she was playing with Dad and Uncle.

The butler opened my door, bowing slightly as I stepped out. The rest of the staff lined up along the driveway-gardeners, and the maintenance crew-all with polite smiles, though the house help was inside doing their chores. My father emerged on the other side, and they welcomed him equally. It was always the same routine; everyone knew their place.

As we walked toward the entrance, a distant scream caught my attention. It was faint, almost drowned out by the murmur of the staff and the rustling breeze. I glanced at my father, but he didn't seem to notice. He was busy shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries.

The scream came again, louder this time. I stopped, turning toward the mansion. My father raised an eyebrow at me, clearly irritated by my sudden pause.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his tone dismissive.

"Did you hear that?"

I replied, scanning the mansion's windows for any sign of commotion.

He shook his head, looking perplexed.

"Hear what?"

Another scream, even louder, echoed from the west wing. This time, everyone heard it. The workers stopped talking, their eyes darting around in confusion. My father frowned, his usual calm demeanor replaced by concern.

"What's going on?"

He muttered, his voice barely audible.

I didn't wait for him to react. I rushed toward the mansion's front door, the staff quickly parting to let me through. As I entered the grand first hall, the scream came again. It was a high-pitched cry, filled with fear and desperation.

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