coming out

40 1 12

(I made this like a year ago so chill on spelling pls lmao and i didnt feel like proofreading )

Chase anxiously walks down the stairs with a piece of paper in his hand. He walks towards his mom in the kitchen and hands her the paper.

1. Chase: 'Hey Mom... I wanted you to see this flag and I'm going to tell you about it.'

Chase anxiously watches her mother's face as she grabs the paper out of his hand.

2. Dorry [Chase's mother]: Sweetheart is that silly trend on TikTok, the trans thing. Don't be silly sweetheart this will just be a phase and it will pass over okay? and if it gets worse, let me know and I'll take you to our pastor. I love you, Alana.

3. Chase: 'No Mom, that's not my name, my name is Chase. Chase feels more comfortable and I think I know who I am Mom. I'm 17 and I'm almost an adult so please respect me. Even then younger people should be respected for who they are.

4. Dorry: Oh Alana, I would never disrespect you but that's not your name and you can't be a boy, you never even showed that you ever wanted to be a boy anyway, you never were a tomboy and you always liked girly stuff.

Chase grabs the paper out of his mom's hand aggressively and starts to tear up.

5. Chase: The funny thing is Mom I knew this would be a bad idea but you're still my mom and I thought I could trust you there is no such thing as girly and boy things and if there were such things as you stereotypes put it you forced me to be that way I never wanted to do that I've always wanted to play in the mud and yeah I liked makeup and I still do but that doesn't make it a girly thing does it? Drag queens and actors wear makeup all the time and they're male, they don't get criticized how you criticize me!

Chase quietly walks back into his room. He opens the door to find a pale Girl with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on his bed. Her platform neatly sat next to his bed.

6. Emma [Chase's girlfriend] ' Hey Chasey I missed you- What's wrong- Chase? ; why are you crying?'

Emma pulled Chase by the shoulders onto his bed and wiped his tears, she held him close to her chest and listened to him talk.

7. Chase: 'I told my mom I was a boy and she didn't accept me, I don't know what expected, I already knew she would be this way about it. God if she knew about you she would kill me. and there's no point in saying it either because she's going to be like oh you need a boyfriend, not a girlfriend. girls don't have girlfriends they have boyfriends. you know her usual bull crap.'

Chase and Emma lock eyes for a brief moment.

8. Emma: ' I promise you I love you for you, I don't love you because you're a boy, I don't love you because you love women, I don't love you because your mom doesn't like who you are, but I do love you because you're somebody who can go through the world and still be kind to people, no matter the circumstance, you see through yelling and shouting and you understand people, you understood me for god sakes I was a wreck when we first met. and I can't believe you would ever give me a chance or talk to me. you're such a kind Brave person and the fact that your mom only sees you for your gender is kind of messed up, she should worry about the amazing son that she has. Maybe she'll never understand that but you have me in your corner, And I know for a fact Riley, Jane, Ash, and Quinn also support you for you.

Emma pecks Chase's forehead and strokes his hair.

9. Chase: ' I love you, Emma, thank you for understanding me.'

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