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(AGAIN a year ago without proof reaading)

 as she hugged him, she found knowing that this wasn't going to last forever due to her predicament. There was a likely chance that she was leaving her school to join the Rival School. She held him a little tighter than usual and she said that she loved him. they just stood there in silence, he didn't say it back silence quickly became the bell ringing and kids shouting in the hall. she was waiting for an I love you back, she was waiting for anything but for him to change the topic but he managed away to change it. 

She couldn't even focus on what he was saying because she was so upset. But this isn't the first time something like this has happened, she's used to not hearing it back but she was just hoping that one time he would say it he would say how much he actually loved her in real life and not over text and even over text he doesn't even spell it out correctly or put I in front of love you. they weren't dating but they almost were and they still have feelings for each other but at least she does, he occasionally acts like he does. 

She knows it's bad to be with a guy like that and when she was younger she wouldn't like those girls who done things like that who just let guys hurt their feelings and if it were like that one seen in a cartoon where if you look in a mirror and you see yourself older she would be disappointed, and she knows deep down that she should stop but something won't let her, she doesn't know what it is or why but it just it's. After a moment of overthinking, she pulled away from the hug, her thoughts made the hug feel so short but it was longer than usual and she was holding it tighter than usual. the boy looked down at her sleepy eyes and asked if she was all right, obviously, she lied, 

She lied because she didn't want to change the topic and still she was waiting for an I love you back from him, almost like he owes it but she knows he doesn't owe her anything and that's why she wouldn't pressure him, she wouldn't pressure him anyway. hey I'm going to get going the boy said she nodded her head and hugged him one quick and short last time before she headed into her next class. Before I continue, let me tell you more background story.

 this is a story about a girl named Everly and she loves this boy, his name is Cameron. She has loved him for a year and a half now, he has loved her on and off for the same amount of time but she never stopped loving him, Too mad when Everly was just a freshman she had a boyfriend at the time and he was a sophomore which was pretty typical for high schoolers, but she didn't love him she just wanted a relationship, one day on the bus she was sitting by herself and she saw these two boys in these seats one was her boyfriend before they were dating and two was Cameron, She didn't really know how to talk to people and she immediately started taking an interest at her boyfriend at the time well what she thought was interest it was more so boredom, but that's every typical freshman they want to have a perfect life when I have a boyfriend or girlfriend have a good grades and just be a good kid, 

but at the same token and she was with him she had to be that same good kid that her parents expected and it was so stressful for her, but when she was with Cameron her weight was lifted off her shoulders she felt like she could say anything and he wouldn't judge her, that's one of the reasons she knows why she loves him everything is still unclear to her but that's definitely one of them, overtime her and Cameron became best friends, and messaging possibly somebody languages well showed that they didn't want to be just friends.

 He may have loved her first sight and that would mean he loved her first but she loved him harder and that was evident in the way he never said it back to her. Anyway, the two have definitely had some ups and downs but they always figure it out. lately, there's been a lot more to figure out, She doesn't know why but she doesn't feel like she can talk to him anymore the same old Melody of he doesn't actually love you place in her head so why is she at this afraid still she knows what she's risking and yet she still doesn't care 

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