Part 1

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Detective Coleman's POV

It was another late solo case review at the office, it is raining cats and dogs outside. Today felt a bit off, I wonder why I have a such a bad feeling about today. Suddenly, I hear loud bangs at the door. "We are closed. Come back tomorrow for your statement!" I say but the banging continues. Usually, people always understand and leave then come back the next day but this person still does not seem like they are going anywhere anytime soon. Three more bangs later, I decided to stand up and go to the door because the bangs were becoming a nuisance. I hope I will find a way to eradicate this quickly.

I opened the door and it was a lady wearing rainproof gear and I believe her outfit looks like a reject from the nylon factory. "Ma'am I said we are closed!! Come back tomorrow we will help you then." I say but she answers with tears rolling down her face. "I can't go back now!! I have come such a long way just to go back. My daughter just went missing and she's all I have in this world. My wife passed away last week. Please help me detective!!" I reply  "Ma'am kids go missing everyday. I have a lot of those cases in my office right now." This lady really is not having it. "Sir, I know you might be tired right now but I have come such a long and treacherous way  from Stoneville." I'm flabbergasted and in question right now. "Stone... Stoneville?" i look at her in doughty way but I say "Co... come in."

We walk into my office and go ahead to say "Have a sit and tell me everything! What is your name?" She takes a sit and  answers. "My name is Thandi, My daughter was out with her friends before it started raining. When her friends returned they were no longer with her and they could not explain what had happened. I'm really sure it has something to do with that old lady." In question I ask her. "What old lady?"and she replies "Mrs Mapaseka, she stays at the far end of our neighborhood." I answer "Really?" And she pleads. "YES!! PLEASE HELP ME FIND HER... I CAN'T BARE THIS ANYMORE!!" She cries herself onto the floor. " Ma'am relax please take a seat let me call my partner quickly." I say to her... she then gets up and takes a sit. "Here have a tissue." I say to her while passing her a tissue and trying to get a hold of my partner.

Phone dials....


Man on phone:(loud music in background) Hello!? Whose this!?

Det. Coleman : Scar!!... Scar!! Get here now!!

Det. Scar: Ohhhhh! Coleman! It's you! I can't come bro I'm real busy right now!  And you know I don't do off shifts!

Det. Coleman: Hey!! You know you owe me one!! Come now or else you forgo your job!!

Det. Scar: Wow!!
It doesn't have to be that way!! Okay fine I'm on my way!

Det. Coleman: 20 minutes!!

Call ends.

"He is on his way. He'll be here in 20...What's your daughters name and what was she holding and wearing the last time you saw her?" She answers. "Her name is Kaya, she was wearing a  blue and white floral dress and she was wearing 1950s classic custom made pocket watch my wife got it for her. Inside is a message that entails "A million stars but only one shines the brightest for me. Kaya." I note that down ask her to tell me more about her wife because she seems to have been a really nice lady.

20 minutes later, Scar enters. " Ouuu!what snack is thisss!! Come here baby!" I  then confront him. "Scar stop this now!!" He answers. "Okay fine... I'm sorry for the informality. My name is detective Ronald Scarfield but everybody calls me Scar." He shakes Thandi's hand and turns to me. "Bro why is she here? " I reply " Scar this is Thandi. She came all the way from Stoneville..." before I finish he cuts me off... "Stoneville!!! Bye Thandi there's no help for you here." I answer. "Bro this is the biggest case yet... like I  was saying before you loudly cut me off. Thandi is from Stoneville and her daughter went missing around the time it started raining. We are going there... You know very well that this could land me the promotion and you won't have to lose your job." He quickly replies " Look I know this is a great opportunity for both of us but I can't do this. Do you know about the intense network of witchcraft and wizardry I'm that place." I then tell him " Calm down. It's not that deep and do I have to remind  you again that you owe me one. Get your gear We are going now."  I grab the keys to the cruiser and I say. "Thandi let's go." A doughtful Scar continues to contemplate whether he'll join us. We jump into the car and click the start button Suddenly, Scar runs towards the car and jumps in. An awkward silence hits us and he breaks it. "What!? You know I can't let you go alone." He says while cracking open a bag of beef flavored nuts.

That's it for the first part! What will they uncover in Stoneville? Stick around for the next chapter.

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