Part 2

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Detective Coleman's POV

A few minutes have passed in this car ride. Scar,Thandi and I have been really quiet. Thandi then breaks the silence. " You can drop me off at that house right there... I will not be going with you guys to that old lady's place." I look at her through the rear view mirror and she was still really shaken up. "Which one this green one right here." "Yes..." She shakes her head agreeing to the house on the right.

I pull over by the gate and she jumps out. On the other side, Scar opens the door to jump out. "Scar where do you think you are going?" I ask him. "I am also staying you'll find us when you come back." I answer in an abrasive tone. "Scar! Get back in this car right now!" He proceeds to move from the car. " This is not how I die bruh..."  I cut him off. "Slowdown bro I got your back besides we'll go in with our guns." "Okay fine."

A convinced Scar hops back in the car and I ask Thandi. "Where is this lady's place from here?" And she answers. "Just continue going down this way her house is at the very end."  "Okay, we'll be back once we find leads." I say and Thandi replies. "Please, you should definitely come back and spend the night it's really late for you to go back now." I shake my head in agreement then I close the window and drive towards the house.

We get to the old lady's house and we jump out then I say to Scar. "Don't fear bro I got you covered." We walk into the yard and this yard looks really weird like it has a lot of thick bush. We walk towards what looks like.The front do and we find a strange boy standing in front of it and I say to him. "Is your grandma home? Can we speak with her?" The boy answers. " No, please leave me alone!" " Don't be rude to our guests." A strange old lady says with with a rather weird tone. " Come in, I was waiting for you." She says me and Scar meet eyes before walking. " Oh, and please leave your weapons outside My grandson is really scared of those."

We slowly put our weapons on the ground and walk in. " Take a seat... Take a seat. Here is some tea." The old lady says. " Ma'am we are here for..." she cuts me off. " I know you are here because everybody thinks I'm the culprit behind the story of the missing children. Everybody thinks you are a witch when you're old but I think I have just solved the mystery. I too have also been trying to find out why children normally go missing every rainstorm. Precisely twenty seven years ago I lost my son to one of these rainstorms. I have been trying to find him a ever since. I don't think he's dead because I can still feel him." She says and to keep the interrogation going I asked. "After your personal investigation what conclusion have you come up with?" And she answers. " Nobody has ever suspected the abandoned house near the river all the kids that have gone missing always end up coming back from that place but... they don't remember anything." She says. " The plot thickens I guess, we will go and check out this place.But we still need to make a detour to the council's office we'd like to have a word with the councilor. Thank you so much for having us." I answer while we receed to go to the car.

Before we reached the gate, we noticed that the strange boy had disappeared but we were now staring at this huge mascular man. "Hey! Don't come back here again!" An already frightened Scar rushes to the car quickly. " Bro, I'm not doing this again!! let's go home now!" I then reply, "Relax we are going to the councilor's office." I then proceed to start the car and drive off.

After a short awkward and quiet drive to the council's office, we jump out and we meet the secretary by the reception.  "Good day beautiful! Can you please squeeze us in to see the councilor?" I say to her and she replies " No we are closed come back tomorrow..." She says in a mimicking tone. I chuckle " Look , i'm sorry if I say that the last time but if you won't help me I will enter with or without  your permission." Scar intervenes. " Hey darling I am detective Scar but you can call me Ronald. Please, help us into the office." He says passing her a two hundred dollar note. "We are still open please, come in." She says walking us towards  the office.

"Sir detectives Coleman and Rrrronald." She says while looking at the Scar with flirterious eyes I beg to differ she looks like a fish. " Coleman? or should I say Mister No, we are closed come back tomorrow! I'll talk to you but your friend should leave." I reply to him. "Scar is my partner, what you say to me, you say to him." He then answers. " You can both leave then. I am not going to talk to this murderer." "Murderer??" In question I turn towards Scar and he says " It's fine, just stay. You'll find me outside." Footsteps receed and door closes.

"Why do you look so disbelieved he didn't tell you? I guess you can't trust anyone these days. Now, what do you need me for?" I then wipe off the disbelief from my face and ask "What do you know and what have you done about the missing children cases?" He looked scared now. " I know you didn't come to ask me about those kids. Please leave immediately. Leave before I call security."  I stand up and leave.

I get to the car and I am greeted by multiple questions from Scar. " No, please bite your tongue!I'm done with this!You are a liar!" I say to him.

I'm cutting this here. You can't have all the tea in one part.

Next up! Is this the end of Scarman?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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