{~CH.9; Control.~}

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"Hello." {You speaking}
"Hello" {speaking}
'Hello' {Thinking}
"Hello" {Yelling}
Hello {Narrative}

My head throbbed vigorously.

It hurts like hell, as if there were 20 pounds of rocks were smashing itself deep into the top of your head.

My whole body aches in pain, it throbbed rapidly; begging for anything- even a doze of pain killers- to calm it down.

I let out a long pained groan, feeling uncomfortable itches from inside of my rib cage as if it was missing something.

I fluttered an eye open to stare up at the plain colored ceiling that seemed to be Sans's room. I lifted myself up a bit at the mattress to sit on an up right position.

I held my throbbing head in my hands, feeling like absolute shit. I bit my tongue back, holding any moans of pain as my headache subdued at a slow pace.

I noticed a red glow in front of my.. Turtle necked shirt? It seems like this reset hasn't changed my clothes.

My eyes stopped inspecting the cloth I wore prior to trail down at the red and white glow I had noticed from the corner of my vision. My eyes widened a bit at the wobbling upside down heart shaped like SOUL, looking as if it's about to mutate any second.

I let out a Yelp at the surprise, my hands leaning on the matters as the shock slowly passed over like nothing. I noted that in my right eye I wasn't able to see that clearly anymore, as if there were something from the back of my socket holding me back from undoing the blurry like vision I had.

I narrowed my right eye in annoyance, reaching a hand to it to wipe it only to feel a gooey like substance sticking to my hand. My face shifted into one of disgust only for me to immediately pull back.

'Ugh.. Ew ew ew..' I held back the urge to gag before finally seeing the said substance. It was the same liquid I puked out last reset. This voiced concern over my health, deciding to head to the nearest mirror that was in my bathroom.

I stumbled over my footing a few times, the nausea and splitting headache messing with my motor skills. I steadied myself on the bathroom counter, studying myself from the bathroom mirror with wide eyes.

My eyes were leaking some sort of black substance that hardly stopped pouring out, noticing the lack of eye light in my right socket. The side of my head had small bumps over it, making me trace the bumps only for another pang of pain to shoot through my head, increasing my headache.

I winced at the sudden wave of pain, pulling back from the bumps before finally realizing my teeth were a tad bit sharper than before, which adds to my claw like fingers as well.

I grunted at the sudden shift of appearance, cursing Chara from under my breath as I held back from attacking them the next time I see them. Inspecting further, I had realized that my choice of clothing was the same as before; Dust sprayed everywhere, and the piece of Papyrus's scarf wrapped around my dominant arm.

I let out a sigh, realizing that I'll have to stick by Papyrus's wish but also stick by Chara's deal...

'That is if I put an end to it myself.'

Killed it! {Reincarnated as Killer sans}Where stories live. Discover now